Labeling theory is a theory rather than for environmental conditions and psychological tendency of actors , deviation has been generated objectively , to see evil cultural evaluation of a particular action is prescribed . In order to clarify why what action of any person is to be defined as a departure , the influence of the social response to individual behavior , social stigma on the identity formation of the actors , the theory of brand deviations I cant interest in , such as the amplification process . In the case of this theory , pluralistic view of society of modern society is located . And that the differentiation rules mutually inconsistent with various groups are present in confrontational in complex modern society , and therefore , judgment about departure behavior and departing behavior , that is performed according to context.
This theory is a theory can feel while I live normally. It is a theory which can be fully considered in society, which is determined by defining the people in any one action.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
1. Summary
When any behavior violated cultural norms, we call it "deviance". Deviance can divided into formal deviance and informal deviance. Examples of formal deviance is robbery, theft, rape, murder, etc. Examples of informal deviance is picking one's nose, belching loudly (in some cultures), or standing too close to another unnecessarily (again, in some cultures).
Deviance influenced by culture very much. Because cultural norms are relative.
There is many theories about deviance: Psychological Explanations, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Labeling Theory
2. What was interested/What did you learn
The content about informal deviance was very interested. Until now, I have thought deviance is like robbery, theft, rape, etc. But It was just part of deviance.
3. Question
Today, in internet culture, lots of norms are made. The speed of making norms is getting faster and faster. But also, many norms are easily disappear. So, can we define deviance in internet culture? If it can define, how?
When any behavior violated cultural norms, we call it "deviance". Deviance can divided into formal deviance and informal deviance. Examples of formal deviance is robbery, theft, rape, murder, etc. Examples of informal deviance is picking one's nose, belching loudly (in some cultures), or standing too close to another unnecessarily (again, in some cultures).
Deviance influenced by culture very much. Because cultural norms are relative.
There is many theories about deviance: Psychological Explanations, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Labeling Theory
2. What was interested/What did you learn
The content about informal deviance was very interested. Until now, I have thought deviance is like robbery, theft, rape, etc. But It was just part of deviance.
3. Question
Today, in internet culture, lots of norms are made. The speed of making norms is getting faster and faster. But also, many norms are easily disappear. So, can we define deviance in internet culture? If it can define, how?
social deviance
Deviation from the norm is violated by social rules and social control on it says that the call cause . Social control as a disgrace , blame , etc. can be considered. What are the social norms so there may be included ? Are a variety of social norms . Content of the laws and customs and the like, In addition, morality, tradition , manners , fashion , and so on. Thus, the offense plenty of deviant behavior , flight, drugs , alcoholism, prostitution , and violence , as well as slang , jargon , the use of empty , God profanity, vulgarities radical about politics, economics are also included. In addition, the social norms of the society depends on the times and the same era, such as the social dimension of the system also depends on the society . In addition, according to the deviant behavior relative to different times and society .
I wonder what it means to have a deviant ? Deviant social behavior is generally controlled. The controls are mandatory , whether or been the subject of accusations between the ethical , deviated fixed penalties should be actors . Thus, sanctions for deviant behavior and moral norms of society in order to help keep .
Emphasis on the human form to redeem only made a tricky procedure that can break the functional role of the net . If there is no deviation from the established community of human life, but rather what the procedure is when a lot of discomfort , it is difficult to break . However, a deviation to the person , the person to justice for their actions by claiming that it is too much social public opinion can constrain the particularity of human life could be a break .
Deviant behavior is that it provides opportunity to the development of positive social and community factors causing the destruction of the society as a whole, through criminal activity secondary damage while negative factors that have spawned. Thus, simply by considering only one side unconditionally social regulation can weaken or strengthen it I think. Development of a vibrant community is important, but I think this happens a desirable social communities, livable communities society is not only to pursue the development of the infinite. Development and at the same time, rather than the pursuit of stability that can make individuals recognize the value of community. Therefore, could result in damage to the community in some deviation to be strong for a little more I think that it is necessary regulations.
At last, Only a very asserting individual freedom and rights of society as a community rather than within the internal value to adjust their behavior in some social regulation, it would in a more desirable direction of the community goes out to I think that will help.
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms. There is formal and informal deviance. Formal deviance is against the law and informal deviance is against custom. Informal deviance can be various depending on culture. There is an example. One Korean new recruit work overtime at night in France company. His boss stop from working, and he said our company derive benefit. His boss argue that he spoil the company's atmosphere. In North Korea, The man is good worker. But, In France, he is a nuisance.
In sociology, there is many theory that explain deviance, and I have interesting in Labeling Theory. Labeling Theory need two factor.
1. A deviant label is applied to them
2. They adopt the label by exhibiting the behaviors, actions, and attitudes associated with the label
Labeling can be positive and negative, and Deviance labels are negative things, like liar or offender.
If someone is labeled, two phenomena has occurred. First is re-casting of past behavior. An offender who leave school is re-caste as problem child. On the other way, A succeeded man who leave school like Thomas Edison in re-caste as extraordinary child.
The other phenomena is stigma. If someone is socially labeled once, he prone to be appraised by label regardless of current behavior. For example, once Idol group evoke criticism, they hardly become popular again.
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms.
*Theories of Deviance
- Social-Strain Typology
Typology of deviant behavior

- Structural-Functionalism
This approach explain that deviant behavior plays an important role in society for several reasons.
- Conflict Theory
A clear example of how deviance reflects power imbalances is in the reporting and tracking of crimes. White-collar crimes are typically committed by individuals in higher social classes.
- Labeling Theory
The idea that individuals become deviant when two things occur.
1.a deviant label is applied to them
2.they adopt the label by exhibiting the behaviors, actions, and attitudes associated with the label
Deviance is a very interesting topic because this is thought as easy approaching in our lives. and I also had a lot of deviant behavior. People always have a difficult thing, and avoid it frequently. However, when the deviant behavior is labelled to others, the problem can occur. people recognize that student playing deviance of the lost moment is the disorderly student. and The person recognized as a disorderly student repeats deviations again. This is a problem in the ‘Labeling Theory’. So, face of the criminals should not make public personally. It is able to incite deviant behavior again.
Dviations cause is that social causes is big? personal cause is big?
Making public of the face of the criminal is the best way to improve the problems of labeling theory?
Deviance by Jung ho jin
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms. Deviance is often divided into two types of deviant activities. The first, crime is the violation of formally enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance.The second type of deviant behavior refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified into law, and is referred to as informal deviance.
As the last two examples in the preceding paragraph illustrate, deviance can vary quite dramatically from culture to culture. Cultural norms are relative; this makes deviant behavior relative as well.Current research on deviance by sociologists takes many forms.Sociological interest in deviance includes both interests in measuring formal deviance (statistics of criminal behavior; see below) and a number of theories that try to explain both the role of deviance in society and its origins.
I think
Deviance is violate cultural forms.,,but it just different.It plays a important role in society. After I read this wikibook, I know about various deviance.
As the last two examples in the preceding paragraph illustrate, deviance can vary quite dramatically from culture to culture. Cultural norms are relative; this makes deviant behavior relative as well.Current research on deviance by sociologists takes many forms.Sociological interest in deviance includes both interests in measuring formal deviance (statistics of criminal behavior; see below) and a number of theories that try to explain both the role of deviance in society and its origins.
I think
Deviance is violate cultural forms.,,but it just different.It plays a important role in society. After I read this wikibook, I know about various deviance.
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
Introduction to deviance
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms.Deviance is often divided into
two types of deviant activities. The first, crime is the violation of formally enacted
laws and is referred to as formal deviance.The second type of deviant behavior
refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified
into law, and is referred to as informal deviance.Deviance can vary quite dramatically from culture to culture.Cultural norms are relative; this makes deviant behavior
relative as well.Current research on deviance by sociologists takes many forms.
For example,some researchers studies how some people exercise.
My opinion
Deviation evaluates different to each culture. Therefore, when you understand
the culture of the other, it should be understood relatively.I think deviant behaviors
cause which is the most easily to find in our society are 'Differential Association Theory'
and 'labeling theory'.
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms.Deviance is often divided into
two types of deviant activities. The first, crime is the violation of formally enacted
laws and is referred to as formal deviance.The second type of deviant behavior
refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified
into law, and is referred to as informal deviance.Deviance can vary quite dramatically from culture to culture.Cultural norms are relative; this makes deviant behavior
relative as well.Current research on deviance by sociologists takes many forms.
For example,some researchers studies how some people exercise.
My opinion
Deviation evaluates different to each culture. Therefore, when you understand
the culture of the other, it should be understood relatively.I think deviant behaviors
cause which is the most easily to find in our society are 'Differential Association Theory'
and 'labeling theory'.
Sociology Deviance
Deviation is one that deviates from social norms. Juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, sexual deviation, and so on.
Deviant behavior based on social norms and regulations in order to deviate from the subject, such as social control, and both are essential aspects of the requirements. So far most of the research for the deviation of the emphasis put on either side, which has been trying to access one side only. Early studies looking at, as if, as seongakseol as individuals tend to deviate in a flare, it is likely that the premise was based on the social norms to control the hazard or cause a malfunction, the deviant deviant behavior likely to cause appears to be has been considered. In contrast, to explain deviant behavior deviant side of the principal entrance from the example of 'saengrae Sex criminal "had a theory.
In recent years, principal deviation, on the other hand, in the self-frustration or tension, any attempt to try to resolve the conflict in violation of social norms have been looking at the results, such as strain theory, the role of being deployed galdeungron. On the other hand, the specific types of deviant behavior, where I learned from someone in a culture that emphasizes the results of learning theory is developed. Examples of the latter can be in flight in theory, cause the flight of flying by close contact with a group of cultural contact that theory, flight secondary criminal, aggressive or regressive culture received support from some Culture Seen flight secondary role behavior, flight, rather than the illegitimate opportunity structure in a legal opportunity to contact more than one occasion called the chance result of tectonics, and the like.
I wonder about the youth deviant. The cause of juvenile deviant, Should do in terms of personal and social perspectives should do?
I think, What is more important is the background or environment that Children growing up.
Deviant behavior based on social norms and regulations in order to deviate from the subject, such as social control, and both are essential aspects of the requirements. So far most of the research for the deviation of the emphasis put on either side, which has been trying to access one side only. Early studies looking at, as if, as seongakseol as individuals tend to deviate in a flare, it is likely that the premise was based on the social norms to control the hazard or cause a malfunction, the deviant deviant behavior likely to cause appears to be has been considered. In contrast, to explain deviant behavior deviant side of the principal entrance from the example of 'saengrae Sex criminal "had a theory.
In recent years, principal deviation, on the other hand, in the self-frustration or tension, any attempt to try to resolve the conflict in violation of social norms have been looking at the results, such as strain theory, the role of being deployed galdeungron. On the other hand, the specific types of deviant behavior, where I learned from someone in a culture that emphasizes the results of learning theory is developed. Examples of the latter can be in flight in theory, cause the flight of flying by close contact with a group of cultural contact that theory, flight secondary criminal, aggressive or regressive culture received support from some Culture Seen flight secondary role behavior, flight, rather than the illegitimate opportunity structure in a legal opportunity to contact more than one occasion called the chance result of tectonics, and the like.
I wonder about the youth deviant. The cause of juvenile deviant, Should do in terms of personal and social perspectives should do?
I think, What is more important is the background or environment that Children growing up.
Deviation from the topic of crime compared to the more abundant.
That category encompasses most. Mental illness, brutality, peek, lying, naked taking off, gay, racketeering, one Paju, blindness, radicalism, stammer, prostitution, murder, physical illness by sociologists, everything has been defined as deviant.
Deviance is divided two type.
The first is the violation of formally enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance. e.g: : robbery, theft, rape, murder, and assault
The second type of deviant behavior refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified into law, and is referred to as informal deviance.
Theories of Deviance.
1.Anomie Theory : Values of a society dominated by powerful forces are weakened and, with one or more different values, while having two equal forces coexist in a society refers to the phenomenon.
2.Social disorganization:The existing social order is being dismantled
3.Sub-Culture:Forming a part of the community groups that appear from the unique culture and sub-culture called. For example, women's culture, youth culture, all cultures and sub-cultures of students.
-> Belonging to the lower class people have a complaint driven by middle-class social norms. Eventually a unique sub-culture within the lower class culture and socialization as a delinquent subculture, and run it.
Robert K. Merton, in his discussion of deviance, proposed a typology of deviant behavior.
conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion
Have become interested in the process of juvenile
Differential association theory
Does anyone for fellowship and learning what happens in discriminatory situations is a process of interaction. Crime and deviant behavior in the learning process and run it, it is just that the differential association theory of the claim.
Stigma theory
Socially deviant behavior as a person who has committed a criminal and live out the end of the regulation to be.
my opinion
I think deviant behavior of human's behavior that are commonly displayed in any society.
It seems to focus on the cultural relativity of crime. I think the interesting about this. Is that what is defined as a crime, a problem to be punished to what extent is correct or not, may differ from culture to culture in many cases.
Theory could explain all the deviations?
And , I think It is important . Think !
What is the cause of deviations !
It is very interesting to look 'Deviance' with the view of 'Structural-Functionalism'.
In the Structural-Functionalism view, 'Deviance' must exist. The reason for that is, if there is a deviance, people can differentiate the good things and bad ones. Also, people can be more bonded by excluding the bad ones. In addition, 'Deviance' could make the society a balance which is 'unbalance'.
There are lots of theories of deviance. The most impressive and interesting theory is 'Anomi Theory'. There are two theories of Anomi. Durkheim's and Merton's. Durkheim's theory is that the society changes very fast so the norm couldn't follow the speed of society. In addition, the values couldn't be right in the position. Also, the old norm and the new norm could make the problem so the deviance can happen.
The Merton's is that for the people, there are only cultural aim and no institutional means. Therefore, because of unbalance, people have the deviance.
Moreover, there are lots of specific deviance. For example, youth smoking is one of them. Youth are prohibited to smoke but they think it's cool and they want to do what the adults say no. So they smoke and it is a deviance.
In this text, I will introduce the definition of the deviation first.
It means that the falling off the road and objects, ideas, norms, Great damaged tissue or region defined as departure.
Next, a description will be given of the theory of departure and function theory is described.
It is a theory that presents the functional aspects of the deviation, the theory of conflict, deviation function theory, theory to see social problem has occurred in the unfair distribution of the value attributable to the exploitation and conflict of the ruling class and the ruling class is.
And deviation from it from occurring in the interaction between the non-Irutaruja and Irutaruja the stigma theory.
As this will be described by presenting in Table crime statistics after the description of the theory.
And I shows the research to date. Finally, you are finished talking about tattoos, which is one of the example of the deviation.
For the definition of departure, I knew roughly, but it was nice to be able to learn much about the theory of departure. And understand you may say well in part to explain the statistics of crime.
Some examples of deviation is a concern.
I think deviation is natural reaction about society and cultural norms. Of course, it will not good if it is extreme, but I think that's a natural phenomenon.
1. Summary
Deviance is any actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally-enacted rules. According to different societies, standards of deviance are different and deviance can be the driving force of the world. Because people can find social tensions and contradictions with deviance actions. Also, deviance can cause personal or social tension and confusion, and pull down public orders.
2. My Opinion
There is no fixed agreement on the substance of deviance but there are two interrelated properties which help characterize the phenomenon. The first refers to deviance as a pattern of norm violation, and a range of norms are then specified such that religious norms give rise to heretics, legal norms to criminals, health norms to the sick, cultural norms to the eccentric, and so forth. Since norms emerge in most social situations, such a definition is very wide-ranging, and enters every sphere of social life. For instance, there can be class deviance, where the normative expectations of class behavior are violated; or situational deviance, where the norms emerging between a group of friends are transgressed. A second property highlights deviance as a stigma construct, a label bestowed upon certain classes of behavior at certain times, which then become devalued, discredited, and often excluded. This characteristic can also be seen as very wide-ranging: people may make friends deviant simply because they belch or talk too much; whilst terrorists may become political martyrs in the eyes of those who share their particular values. The study of deviance here is concerned primarily with the construction, application, and impact of stigma labels. Within either tradition-norm violation or stigma construct-deviance is a shifting, ambiguous, and volatile concept. Precisely who or what is deviant depends upon a firm understanding of the norms and labelling process in particular social contexts. Despite these inherent difficulties with the therm an enormous sociological literature has been generated by research on deviance.
3. Questions
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3. Questions
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Introduction to Sociology / Deviance
It is a behavior that deviates from social norms of any society as a departure .
The comprehensive view deviant behavior , from simple to classify society as a ( population) deviation and personal deviation , the general theory of departure , be classified deviations , situational deviation , systematic deviation of the individual, the problem the process of focusing on the development of the deviation itself , by dividing the ( deviant behavior of initial ) primary basis departure and ( deviant behavior of late or mid-term ) first secondary deviation , and move it to the latter from the electron and the like can be to .
In particular, the kind of consistent format of an individual to elements of the social and cultural structure , with a same modeling and innovation type, ritual note type, flight type, rebellious type, and deviant behavior to other than the same molding Among the theory of RK Merton to see the type of four is famous .
T. Parsons is also possible to compose a general theory about the deviant behavior , the superiority of the same Article - Ivan superiority (離反优位) , active - by a combination of both axes of passive , force -oriented enforcement ( enforcement -oriented set the type of four ) compulsive Mukujon such as (默从) rebellion , withdrawal , again , these types of objects social - divided into two depending on the winning or losing the mating focus on one of the norms can consider to be , ① control , ② forced implementation , ③ Tsutsumi , compliance ④ perfectionist , the attack on the ⑤ social object , ⑥ calibration impossible , ⑦ forced self-reliance , and ⑧ escape , the type of deviation of all eight are classified .
I had a negative perception in the word itself that deviant behavior .
However , it was decided that to know is the fact that deviation was passed through this problem that not bad unconditionally .
Deviations , it is possible to serve as a driving force for a change in society , it is considered to be important .
NoneThere were protesters. Someone said, "Mob!" Someone said, "Crusader!"
Study on Deviance by Sociology
Time to look at the Deviance Phenomenon
(Introduction to Sociology/Deviance)
No Rule, No Right for me~ I'm free! - What is deviant?
Blogging error
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance 김가현(Sally)
Deviant behavior is a violation of cultural norms. Officials in violation of the law promulgated deviation. Deviation violations of social norms and informal too.
· K · Robert Merton proposed a typology of deviant behavior. Social values and human widely used in the pursuit of the goal, you can switch to it deviates from Merton's typology attraction point.
Structural functionalist approach is deviant. Abnormal behavior for many reasons, it is an important role in society. People can and can not do conscious bias, but also need to know. Balance this imbalance may cause abnormal behavior society. Society in the process of social change must be balanced changes. Deviant behavior, so it is an important function for the community.
White-collar crime is more committed to the highest social class.
There are two theories appear label ttyae are individuals considered to be deviant.
Crime statistics are usually reported, government data being collected crime.
An interesting feature is that the current U.S. seumtem calibration majority of the number of the people.
Statistical report incidents of crime and criminal activities to go beyond just another way to emphasize the differences between different groups.
Deviant behavior is a violation of cultural norms. Officials in violation of the law promulgated deviation. Deviation violations of social norms and informal too.
· K · Robert Merton proposed a typology of deviant behavior. Social values and human widely used in the pursuit of the goal, you can switch to it deviates from Merton's typology attraction point.
Structural functionalist approach is deviant. Abnormal behavior for many reasons, it is an important role in society. People can and can not do conscious bias, but also need to know. Balance this imbalance may cause abnormal behavior society. Society in the process of social change must be balanced changes. Deviant behavior, so it is an important function for the community.
White-collar crime is more committed to the highest social class.
There are two theories appear label ttyae are individuals considered to be deviant.
Crime statistics are usually reported, government data being collected crime.
An interesting feature is that the current U.S. seumtem calibration majority of the number of the people.
Statistical report incidents of crime and criminal activities to go beyond just another way to emphasize the differences between different groups.
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms. Deviance is often divided into two types of deviant activities. The first, crime is the violation of formally enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance. While the focus of this chapter is on sociological explanations of deviance, there are explanations from other disciplines as well. Robert K. Merton, in his discussion of deviance, proposed a typology of deviant behavior. A typology is a classification scheme designed to facilitate understanding. In this case, Merton was proposing a typology of deviance based upon two criteria: A person's motivations or her adherence to cultural goals and a person's belief in how to attain her goals. According to Merton, there are five types of deviance based upon these criteria.(conformity,innovation,ritualism,retreatism,rebellion) Deviance can be the result of accepting one norm, but breaking another in order to pursue the first. Deviant behavior plays an important role in society for several reasons. Deviance helps distinguish between what is acceptable behavior, and what is not. In addition to clarifying the moral boundaries of society, deviant behavior can also promote social unity, but it does so at the expense of the deviant individuals, who are obviously excluded from the sense of unity derived from differentiating the non-deviant from the deviants.Finally, and quite out of character for the structural-functionalist approach, deviance is actually seen as one means for society to change over time.
I had negative thoughts about the deviance. But Through this exercise, I found that deviance plays an important role in society. Deviation is the driving force of social change.question
I want to know more about the social role of the deviation.Deviance
Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms. Deviance can divided in formal deviance and informal deviance. Robert K. Merton, in his discussion of deviance, proposed a typology of deviant behavior. Robert K. Merton, in his discussion of deviance, proposed a typology of deviant behavior. According to Merton, there are five types of deviance. It is conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. And when describing the deviance, some people use labeling theory. In addition, the crime statistics by departure, some confinement, sexual offenses, race-related crime, and murder. And, at present, research on tattoos and departure of video game-related are concentrated.
I was glad I supposed to know about the case of various types of deviance. And I interet about Robert K. Merton' s typology of deviance. And I want to learn more about labeling theory.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Deviance, in a sociological context, describes actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime), as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores).
Norms are rules and expectations by which members of society are conventionally guided. Deviance is an absence of conformity to these norms. Social norms differ from culture to culture. For example, a deviant act can be committed in one society that breaks a social norm there, but may be normal for another society. That is, Deviance can be relative to time and place because what is considered deviant in one social context may be non-deviant in another.
This definition-Deviance is too confusing and contradictory that some people decided to give up the Deviant Research. In this sense, I think that Deviant Research should be careful, Also, Deviants should not be branded as a straggler.
I want to know the way to research deviance. and what is the best way for deviance research.
Norms are rules and expectations by which members of society are conventionally guided. Deviance is an absence of conformity to these norms. Social norms differ from culture to culture. For example, a deviant act can be committed in one society that breaks a social norm there, but may be normal for another society. That is, Deviance can be relative to time and place because what is considered deviant in one social context may be non-deviant in another.
This definition-Deviance is too confusing and contradictory that some people decided to give up the Deviant Research. In this sense, I think that Deviant Research should be careful, Also, Deviants should not be branded as a straggler.
I want to know the way to research deviance. and what is the best way for deviance research.
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
What behavior that violates cultural norms is also the earth deviant behavior.In the case of Deviance many, I was divided into two types of unusual activity. First, it is a violation of the law that has been enacted crime officially called formal deviance. Includes examples of formal deviance: robbery, theft, rape, murder, and assault, just to name a few. The second type of abnormal behavior refers to the violation of norms, also referred to as high informal deviance you have been organized informal social norms, the law. You can include an example of informal deviance
my opinion
i think that deviant behavior is culturally and socially different in many other country.
someting behavior will not be problem in special country because deviant behavior is based on the social country and culture countr. so we have to understand complicately deviance.
what should we do ? to understand each country deviant bahavior?
my opinion
i think that deviant behavior is culturally and socially different in many other country.
someting behavior will not be problem in special country because deviant behavior is based on the social country and culture countr. so we have to understand complicately deviance.
what should we do ? to understand each country deviant bahavior?
Deviance and norms
According to Wikipedia, Deviance, in a sociological context, describes actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally-enacted rules, as well as informal violations of social norms. There are two types of deviance. The first, crime is the violation of formally enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance.The second type of deviant behavior refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified into law, and is referred to as informal deviance.
Also there are several types of theories about deviance such as Psycological Explanations, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism, and Conflict Theory. Among these theories I am interested in Labeling Theory. It is very interesting and plausible. When I learned this in high school, I was pursuaded by this. And I find some reserch about this.
In a research study called The Power of a Label: Mental illness Diagnoses, Ascribed Humanity and Social Rejection, they examined how ascribing humanity to an individual labeled with mental illness may influence perceptions of dangerousness and motivations for social rejection(Martunez, Piff, Mendoza-Denton & Hinshaw, 2011). Their findings were that people who were labeled as having a mental illness had serious social costs. The stigma associated with a mental illness label can have devastating social consequences. Individuals bearing such labels experience devaluation and rejection in their communities, effects that exceed those attributable to the symptoms of the mental disorder itself (Link, Struening, Rahav, Phelan, & Nuttbrock, 1997). The question then is why people have such a negative view about mental illness. A frequent stereotype about persons with mental illness is that they are dangerous, with media portrayals emphasizing an extremely heightened potential for violence (Wahl, 1995). Knowing that someone has a mental illness gives the person who is given that label little chance for a social life and people have already stereotyped them in their heads. Americans report more comfort with individuals who are deaf or have facial disfigurement than people with mental disorders (see Hinshaw, 2007). With that said, that puts people with mental illnesses at the bottom. It makes their lives a lot more complicated in general, not taking into consideration the adjustments they have to make with the symptoms they will have due to certain illnesses.
Looking at someone or something of labeling theory is not appropriate. So people have to be careful to look someone else not to look at their one's sight.
Thomas Szasz is Professor of Psychiatry. His classic The Myth of Mental Illness (1961) made him a figure of international fame and controversy. He believes that there is no such thing as “mental illness”. The following is a quote from Thomas Szasz’s Mental Illness: Sickness or Status?
“Being the member of a community, a religion, a nation, a civilization entails joining the cast of a particular national-religious-cultural drama and accepting certain parts of the play as facts, not just props necessary to support the narrative. Thus, we in the West today accept as facts that the earth is spherical, that lead is heavier than water, that malaria, melanoma, and mental illness are diseases. As against this perspective, I maintain that while there are mental patients, there are no mental illnesses. There is no mental illness or madness either -- in the bodies of the denominated subjects or in nature. Instead, there is a mental illness role into which a person is cast by his family and society, which he then assumes and plays, or against which he rebels and from which he tries to escape. Occasionally, individuals teach themselves how to be mental patients and assume the role without parental or societal pressure to do so, in order to escape certain unbearably painful situations or the burdens of ordinary life ( Szasz, 2006).”
All these things mentioned are labels. We accept them as a society because it’s what we are taught when we are growing up but who’s to say that we are right. By labeling these people mentally ill, gives them a negative on themselves and others have a negative view as well. By doing so, it causes people to be isolated and act as they are labeled.
Also there are several types of theories about deviance such as Psycological Explanations, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism, and Conflict Theory. Among these theories I am interested in Labeling Theory. It is very interesting and plausible. When I learned this in high school, I was pursuaded by this. And I find some reserch about this.
In a research study called The Power of a Label: Mental illness Diagnoses, Ascribed Humanity and Social Rejection, they examined how ascribing humanity to an individual labeled with mental illness may influence perceptions of dangerousness and motivations for social rejection(Martunez, Piff, Mendoza-Denton & Hinshaw, 2011). Their findings were that people who were labeled as having a mental illness had serious social costs. The stigma associated with a mental illness label can have devastating social consequences. Individuals bearing such labels experience devaluation and rejection in their communities, effects that exceed those attributable to the symptoms of the mental disorder itself (Link, Struening, Rahav, Phelan, & Nuttbrock, 1997). The question then is why people have such a negative view about mental illness. A frequent stereotype about persons with mental illness is that they are dangerous, with media portrayals emphasizing an extremely heightened potential for violence (Wahl, 1995). Knowing that someone has a mental illness gives the person who is given that label little chance for a social life and people have already stereotyped them in their heads. Americans report more comfort with individuals who are deaf or have facial disfigurement than people with mental disorders (see Hinshaw, 2007). With that said, that puts people with mental illnesses at the bottom. It makes their lives a lot more complicated in general, not taking into consideration the adjustments they have to make with the symptoms they will have due to certain illnesses.
Looking at someone or something of labeling theory is not appropriate. So people have to be careful to look someone else not to look at their one's sight.
Thomas Szasz is Professor of Psychiatry. His classic The Myth of Mental Illness (1961) made him a figure of international fame and controversy. He believes that there is no such thing as “mental illness”. The following is a quote from Thomas Szasz’s Mental Illness: Sickness or Status?
“Being the member of a community, a religion, a nation, a civilization entails joining the cast of a particular national-religious-cultural drama and accepting certain parts of the play as facts, not just props necessary to support the narrative. Thus, we in the West today accept as facts that the earth is spherical, that lead is heavier than water, that malaria, melanoma, and mental illness are diseases. As against this perspective, I maintain that while there are mental patients, there are no mental illnesses. There is no mental illness or madness either -- in the bodies of the denominated subjects or in nature. Instead, there is a mental illness role into which a person is cast by his family and society, which he then assumes and plays, or against which he rebels and from which he tries to escape. Occasionally, individuals teach themselves how to be mental patients and assume the role without parental or societal pressure to do so, in order to escape certain unbearably painful situations or the burdens of ordinary life ( Szasz, 2006).”
All these things mentioned are labels. We accept them as a society because it’s what we are taught when we are growing up but who’s to say that we are right. By labeling these people mentally ill, gives them a negative on themselves and others have a negative view as well. By doing so, it causes people to be isolated and act as they are labeled.
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
Deviance has two types. The one is formal deviance that violation of laws like robbery, murder. And the other is informal deviance that violation of social norms like picking one’s nose. Deviance is provided differently for culture. Personal place is a good example. There are several theories of deviance. Robert K. Merton suggests five types of deviance according to acceptance or rejection of cultural goals and institutionalised means. Conflict theory explains white-collar crimes like tax evasion, counterfeiting, bribery that reflects power imbalances. It usually committed by high social classes. More power they have, more reward can be owned. Labeling theory means when a unfavorable label is applied to someone, the person does behavior like that.

Deviance is so interesting topic to me. It change every moment everywhere. And it is mentioned in many situation like news, songs, ect. It means simple action as well as very serious matter. When highschool class, doing manicuring can be a example. So I think very small deviances are so refresh and attractive to us.
I read wikibook about deviance. And I knew fading away about it. So I wonder newly created deviance.
This week’s reading is information on the deviance.
First, introduce a deviance.
Next, describe Theories of Deviance , Crime Statistics , Social Control , Current Research in order.
I felt interested in reading this week, so, according to study more it is a theory to see the provisions of the result of alienation and socio-cultural evaluation of specific actions. Rather than criminal acts or deviation has occurred because of environmental conditions and psychological tendency of actors, and E. Lemert, D. Matza insisted in the U.S.
For example, the child who heard sermon of adult that "You painful problem." has large potential to be troublemakers growing up.
When child heard "You painful problem" that much from the people around, the child will think that way yourself.
Let us remember that it is possible that you have also every word of the day-to-day language of we make the problem child, as the child that might.
deviance 2014048540 신동현
Refers to the act of beyond the acceptable limits of norms members of society acknowledge that society is normal. The theory that explains the reason for the deviant behavior occurs, there is anomie theory, branding theory, and differential association theory, in some cases be seen as a problem of the will of the individual causes and biological at the individual level. Generally, deviant behavior may vary depending on the times and society, but the criteria for determining the deviant behavior, This is because it depends on the times and society.
The deviant behavior, would have seen with my own eyes all the people, or try to experience. Group that the deviant behavior also my school life, were broken up into groups of honor the restriction of school. However, it must be considered to see something like this, instead of seeing the wrong them, and just a little bit different with us. Then, It must be well made possible ways to merge well society children to deviant behavior is back. As a result, it will be a better society.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Deviance classify into 2 types : formal deviance, informal deviance. Formal deviance is official action like crime, and informal deviance is not provided in law. Deviance is relative norm, so sometimes same deviance behavior is different in each countries.Structural Functionalism is theory that deviance has behavior select function. It means that people judge right or wrong behavior by social deviance.
In terms of conflict theory, deviance is explained to viewpoint of social class. And this article suggests white collar crime to explain deviance.
Labeling theory means that deviance is one kind of labeling by other people.
Social-Strain Typology 5 types of criterian : conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellition. According to rhis theory, as there are two things, deviance can become result of first thing, and breaking second thing for first thing.
Learned Items & My Opinion
In fact, I don't know well about Social-Strain Typology. Words are difficult itself, and cannot understand well. But now, through picture(diagram) and explanation, I can understand this theory wholly.(Not detailly) Also, I am interested in labeling theory, and I agree about this labeling theory. I think deviance is social selection and social decision. Reason of relative feature is these labeling feature. Also, there are many examples to explain rabeling theory in society. In Korea, there are many rabeling in students about their grade.Question
I have no question yet, but I wonder other examples of social deviance.Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Introduction to Sociology/Deviance
With little power and little control over their lives, teens often feel that they have marginal status and therefore may be driven to seek the respect that they feel they lack. Without clear roles adolescents may establish their own pecking order and spend their time pursuing irresponsible or deviant activities. For example, unwed teen motherhood is sometimes the result of a desire for attention, respect, and control, while most gang fights and instances of juvenile homicide occur when teenagers (boys and girls alike) feel that they have been slighted or offended by others.
Such deviance can take many forms. Insecurity and rage often lead to vandalism, juvenile delinquency, and the illegal use of drugs and alcohol. Violence and crime, of course, are as old as humankind; French historian Philippe Ariès, author of Centuries of Childhood (1962), noted that in the 12th century, Parisian boys as young as age seven carried daggers to defend themselves.
Contemporary juvenile violence is often driven by the boredom young people experience in a barren environment. Even the wealthiest suburbs with the most lavish amenities can be "barren" when viewed from an adolescent's perspective. Ironically suburban life is meant to protect children from the dangers of the big city. Parents choose such locations in the hope that their children will grow up happy and secure.
But safety and homogeneity can be quite boring. When deprived of meaningful activities and responsible guidance, many teens find that the only opportunities for "feeling alive" are stealing a car, breaking a school window, ingesting a mind-altering drug, or having a baby. A middle-class adolescent caught with jewelry that he had stolen from a neighbour's house claimed that the act of stealing had been fun. Like other teenagers, by "fun" he meant something exciting and slightly dangerous that takes nerve as well as skill. In parts of Asia and Africa, similarly, rebel groups have conscripted teens who go on to find excitement and self-respect behind machine guns. Millions of them have died prematurely as a result.
Behavioral scientists have gained some valuable insights into the conditions that cause teenage strife. In many cases adults are in the position to alleviate some of the frictions that make intergenerational relations more strained than they need to be. Research indicates that those adolescents who have the opportunity to develop a relationship with an adult role model (parental or otherwise) are more successful than their peers in coping with the everyday stresses of life.
My opinion
I think everyone has to experience at least once a deviation puberty. I think, even after departure, not only to worry about, that it must be seen in the warm gaze. Of course, the deviation becomes badly, the formulation of a certain degree, there must be perpetrators.
However, I think if it is not bad, so come to visit once to everyone, departure, and must take care more.
Means thereby departing from the norm and rules of society and departure, that it means that evoke social control over it. The social control, I considered disgrace, stigma, and blame. Then, how can what is included in the social norms?
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Introduction to Sociology/Socialization
1. Summary
Socialization is a basic concept of sociology. It comprising a number of elements. But sociologists have differing opinions about the most important elements, or even how to define some of the elements of socialization.According to Arnett, socialization has three goals:
1. impulse control and the development of a conscience
2. role preparation and performance, including occupational roles, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parenthood
3. the cultivation of sources of meaning, or what is important, valued, and to be lived for
Socialization can divided into primary and secondary socialization, and broad and narrow socialization.
One of the typical importance of socialization is saving feral(or wild) children.
2. What was interesting/What did you learn
Before read this chapter, I didn't know the fact that socialization comprising a number of element.3. Discussion Point
In the text, there was a sentence "While not every sociologist will agree which elements are the most important, or even how to define some of the elements of socialization". Why cannot every sociologist agree about these issues? I want to discuss about this.Introduction to Sociology/Socialization
Socialization is a basic sociological concept that comprises a lot of constituents. It is the stage that arrange humans to function in social life. Individual get varied socialization then they have a distinction among individual socialization form. This distinction does not and should not inherently force an evaluative judgement because people live on the different environment and culture so that people are socialized differently. Also It should be noted that, while socialization is a key sociological process in the development of individuals who can function in human society, not every aspect of human behavior is learned. Socialization is a life process, but is generally divided into two parts: Primary socialization takes place early in life, as a child and adolescent. Secondary socialization refers to the socialization that takes place throughout one's life, both as a child and as one encounters new groups that require additional socialization. While there are scholars who argue that only one or the other of these occurs, most social scientists tend to combine the two, arguing that the basic or core identity of the individual develops during primary socialization, with more specific changes occurring later - secondary socialization - in response to the acquisition of new group memberships and roles and differently structured social situations.
The importance of socialization is often study in school classes as well as face content such as movies and TV media because Socialization is very important as human being. Today while studying for socialization in the past, I thought I saw the movie. Wolf boy named Korea's film, a man had to act like a wolf. Because The man did grow in wolf pack so that he couldn't get the process of socialization. Then suddenly I thought this socialization process that I experience is very momentous and venerable.
On the other hand, socialization is very important as human beings, I think those who misuse this are should have been sanctioned. Because feral children may have experienced severe child abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away.

<a boy not socialized in Wolf boy named Korea's film>
The importance of socialization is often study in school classes as well as face content such as movies and TV media because Socialization is very important as human being. Today while studying for socialization in the past, I thought I saw the movie. Wolf boy named Korea's film, a man had to act like a wolf. Because The man did grow in wolf pack so that he couldn't get the process of socialization. Then suddenly I thought this socialization process that I experience is very momentous and venerable.
On the other hand, socialization is very important as human beings, I think those who misuse this are should have been sanctioned. Because feral children may have experienced severe child abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away.

<a boy not socialized in Wolf boy named Korea's film>
Introduction to Sociology/Socialization
Socialization is kind of education which make human adapt to society.
In this process, human learn function for social life.
According to Arnett, socialization has three goals.
First, learning self-control. To living in society, human should have
thoughtful. If people can't control impulse, they can't mingle each
other. So, to keep social stability, human need socialization.
Second, learning the role. Member of society has role of each part.
Depending on position, people have multiple role. For example, Obama has
role as father, husband, president of U.S.A and more.
Third, learning judgment. If Social member can't judge what is the more
important between two opposing value, society become disarray. If some
businessman think his profit is more important than environment, his
company may main cause of environmental disruption.
Socialization is different depending on culture. But this doesn't mean
socialization of some culture is right and some socialization is wrong
or some is better than other. As previously stated, socialization is
depending on culture. To adapt to culture, each socialization is
suitable for each culture. For instance, in almost country, spitting
other's face is offensive action. Constructively, In Masai, spitting
means expressing of delight.
There is gap between biologically determined VS learned behavior. Human
can socialize like 'defying one's elder rudely is bad.' And 'don't be
bad boy' is innate factor. Difference between innate and socialized
factor is vague. So belief which some factor is innate can reverse.
There is interesting study which show good example of reversibility.
Some sociologist argue that cooperation is biologically determined
behavior. Cooperation make group more safe and profitable to survive. So
, evolutionary, human has instinct to co-operate with other people.
In this process, human learn function for social life.
According to Arnett, socialization has three goals.
First, learning self-control. To living in society, human should have
thoughtful. If people can't control impulse, they can't mingle each
other. So, to keep social stability, human need socialization.
Second, learning the role. Member of society has role of each part.
Depending on position, people have multiple role. For example, Obama has
role as father, husband, president of U.S.A and more.
Third, learning judgment. If Social member can't judge what is the more
important between two opposing value, society become disarray. If some
businessman think his profit is more important than environment, his
company may main cause of environmental disruption.
Socialization is different depending on culture. But this doesn't mean
socialization of some culture is right and some socialization is wrong
or some is better than other. As previously stated, socialization is
depending on culture. To adapt to culture, each socialization is
suitable for each culture. For instance, in almost country, spitting
other's face is offensive action. Constructively, In Masai, spitting
means expressing of delight.
There is gap between biologically determined VS learned behavior. Human
can socialize like 'defying one's elder rudely is bad.' And 'don't be
bad boy' is innate factor. Difference between innate and socialized
factor is vague. So belief which some factor is innate can reverse.
There is interesting study which show good example of reversibility.
Some sociologist argue that cooperation is biologically determined
behavior. Cooperation make group more safe and profitable to survive. So
, evolutionary, human has instinct to co-operate with other people.
Socialization by Jung ho jin
Socialization is a fundamental sociological concept, comprising a number of elements.
Goals of Socialization
Socialization is the process that prepares humans to function in social life. It should be re-iterated here that socialization is culturally relative - people in different cultures are socialized differently. This distinction does not and should not inherently force an evaluative judgement.
It should also be noted that, while socialization is a key sociological process in the development of individuals who can function in human society, not every aspect of human behavior is learned.
The Importance of Socialization
One of the most common methods used to illustrate the importance of socialization is to draw upon the few unfortunate cases of children who were, through neglect, misfortune, or wilful abuse, not socialized by adults while they were growing up. Such children are called "feral" or wild. Some feral children have been confined by people (usually their own parents); in some cases this child abandonment was due to the parents' rejection of a child's severe intellectual or physical impairment. Feral children may have experienced severe child abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away. Others are alleged to have been brought up by animals; some are said to have lived in the wild on their own. When completely brought up by non-human animals, the feral child exhibits behaviors (within physical limits) almost entirely like those of the particular care-animal, such as its fear of or indifference to humans.
Socialization, play an important role in the development of mankind.It is socialized, people will be able to find their identity.People now have the role and identity of their own, society is created that role together.
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