Saturday, April 19, 2014




Deviation from the topic of crime compared to the more abundant. 

That category encompasses most. Mental illness, brutality, peek, lying, naked taking off, gay, racketeering, one Paju, blindness, radicalism, stammer, prostitution, murder, physical illness by sociologists, everything has been defined as deviant.

Deviance is divided two type. 

 The first is the violation of formally enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance.    e.g: : robbery, theft, rape, murder, and assault

The second type of deviant behavior refers to violations of informal social norms, norms that have not been codified into law, and is referred to as informal deviance. 

Theories of Deviance.
1.Anomie TheoryValues ​​of a society dominated by powerful forces are weakened and, with one or more different values, while having two equal forces coexist in a society refers to the phenomenon.
2.Social disorganization:The existing social order is being dismantled
3.Sub-Culture:Forming a part of the community groups that appear from the unique culture and sub-culture called. For example, women's culture, youth culture, all cultures and sub-cultures of students.

-> Belonging to the lower class people have a complaint driven by middle-class social norms. Eventually a unique sub-culture within the lower class culture and socialization as a delinquent subculture, and run it.

Robert K. Merton, in his discussion of deviance, proposed a typology of deviant behavior.
conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion

Have become interested in the process of juvenile 

Differential association theory
Does anyone for fellowship and learning what happens in discriminatory situations is a process of interaction. Crime and deviant behavior in the learning process and run it, it is just that the differential association theory of the claim.
Stigma theory
Socially deviant behavior as a person who has committed a criminal and live out the end of the regulation to be.

my opinion

I think deviant behavior of human's behavior that are commonly displayed in any society.
It seems to focus on the cultural relativity of crime. I think the interesting about this. Is that what is defined as a crime, a problem to be punished to what extent is correct or not, may differ from culture to culture in many cases. 


Theory could explain all the deviations?
And , I think  It is important . Think ! 
What is the cause of deviations !

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