Saturday, April 12, 2014

Introductioin to Sociology_Socialization

Socialization is very basic concept to people who learn sociology, and it has very big effect of human's life and has much meaning not only in sociologist, in every people. people who lack of this in childhood, it works very badly his lifetime. There are many experiments about this, like 'Socialization and Social Class', 'Socialization and Death Preparation', 'Do College Preparation Classes Make a Difference?'. And it has many definition by people. it has three goals, first is to impulse control and the development of a conscience, second is role preparation and performance, including occupational roles, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parenthood, and last is the cultivation of sources of meaning, or what is important, valued, and to be lived for. Amett distinguished it between broad and narrow socialization. Broad socializtion is intended to promote independence, individualism, and self-expression; it is dubbed broad because this type of socialization has the potential of resulting in a broad range of outcomes. And narrow socializtion is intended to promote obedience and conformity; it is dubbed narrow because there is a narrow range of outcomes. But Arnett notes two examples where his distinction is relevant.

I agree with the experiment of 'Socialization and Death Preparation' . because I have seen lots of programs of people who have good health and longevity, they not always have lots of people around, but always have person who have time with them very long.

I think socialization is very similar with his personality. Do studies of socializtion have practical value? 


  1. I think you made a right concept of socialization. Oh, I think what you watched, the health and longevity is a cool idea that I've never thought of. It was pretty good to understand your ideas. lol.

  2. In my opinion, although personality is similar with socialization, socialization has own value. Because, in society, social contract is very important, and socialization can teach him that. For example, foreigner who has not socialization but good personality can have confuse in Korea.
