Saturday, April 12, 2014


Human beings are social concept refers to the process of change. Socialization of individuals in any social situation, act through the formation of knowledge and experience, and for his actions and aware of the expectations of others, social groups, and social norms, morals, values, beliefs, and learn the culture of society The process of tradition. Takes place during the socialization process of a person's life, but especially in childhood appears to be composed of intensive growth.
Socialization of individuals to develop their social skills or enabling their participation in social life affecting or affected by communication. For example, studies of social interaction in the process of socialization, which emphasizes the role of eonsul, Lind Smith and Strauss (Lindesmith & Strauss, 1956) following the end of a good representation of it. "Children that he can communicate with others and have the ability to influence others and through the end when you can get to socialize."
In general, the formation of an individual's actions affect the socialization mechanism as family, school, friends have been considered to be the most representative. In modern societies, however, in addition to these traditional mass media socialization mechanism is gradually heightened awareness of the importance of being. Associated with a wide range of media awareness and expectations of social behavior plays an important role in providing it is believed that. Any particular topic or event, the behavior is the only source of information about the mass media when the media's influence on its audience is very large.
Man is "yes" Miracle in the socialization seems to be capable of. For example, where a miracle (anticipatory) socialization is the culture of societies or groups expected to join the group or society that society itself as the cultural process of solidifying said. These examples are just the mass media play an important role in raising a miracle that socialization has claimed. Third World developing countries, such as the modernization of the mass media, the people that advocate the modernization that will be in the direction of socialization. However, developing countries as a result of socialization and cultural threat to traditional culture might also be dependent on the fall.
Individual and society, which may also undergo rapid changes, so when the re-socialization can occur. The re-socialization (re-socialization) is a learned behavior patterns from the past, a very different behavior pattern that says to replace. This re-role socialization process performed by the mass media, that is to say the potential for change in the interest of propaganda also increasing. The media and the organization itself is a social institution, social institutions are socialized as members of the media organizations that own behavior patterns, attitudes, and values ​​of imitation. Tissue culture media is a media product in question is what effect does the mass media researchers who will not or may not be another concern.

I heard stories Long ago. In Siberia, Not go outside Wolf girl who not go outside raised dogs and cats. I think there are also crucial socialization period.
I wonder if there are negative aspects socialization.


  1. I think Socialization of individuals to develop their social skills or enabling their participation in social life affecting or affected by communication. some negative aspects are exists but many positive aspects like
