Saturday, April 19, 2014


In this text, I will introduce the definition of the deviation first.
It means that the falling off the road and objects, ideas, norms, Great damaged tissue or region defined as departure.
Next, a description will be given of the theory of departure and function theory is described.
It is a theory that presents the functional aspects of the deviation, the theory of conflict, deviation function theory, theory to see social problem has occurred in the unfair distribution of the value attributable to the exploitation and conflict of the ruling class and the ruling class is.
And deviation from it from occurring in the interaction between the non-Irutaruja and Irutaruja the stigma theory.
As this will be described by presenting in Table crime statistics after the description of the theory.
And I shows the research to date. Finally, you are finished talking about tattoos, which is one of the example of the deviation.
For the definition of departure, I knew roughly, but it was nice to be able to learn much about the theory of departure. And understand you may say well in part to explain the statistics of crime.
Some examples of deviation is a concern.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Work , lol.
    Now a days, tatoos could be expressing individuality. What do you think about that?
