Friday, April 11, 2014



This week's reading is contents about socialization.
Largely the reading is devided into three kinds 'Elements of Socialization', 'Theoretical Understandings of Socialization' 'Research Examples'.

First, element of socialization is divided into 'Goals of Socialization, Primary and Secondary Socialization, Broad and Narrow Socialization, Total Institutions, The Importance of Socialization' and  explains the contents of each.
Second, Theoretical understanding of socialization explains contents about 'Symbolic Interactionism, Role Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Internalization Theory' and recent study.
Third, Research Examples describes 'Socialization and Social Class, Socialization and Death Preparation, Do College Preparation Classes Make a Difference?'

My opinion
While reading for this week's assignment, i was impressed the contents of "the importance of socialization" in the "Elements of socialization".
Other contents give me theoretical feelings, but importance of socialization gives me familiar feeling more than other informations.
In fact the movie about a boy who did not receive socialization was released in south korea.
With this background knowledge and support gained through wikibooks, i learned that socialization is very important in our lives and allows individuals to be members of society.

This week's reading seems to be less than the usual amount. I want to study more about kind of socialization, organization, features, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Understanding is improved by being divided into three larger meaning.
    It's also summarizes admirably well.
    I really agree with your opinion would like to know more about the kind of socialization.

    by.jung minyoung / Emily
