Thursday, April 10, 2014

Introduction to Sociology/Socialization

It is a concept that refers to the process of change to human social existence. Individuals to form acts using the knowledge and experience of any in social situations, and come to realize the expectations of others for his behavior, socialization, norms, morality and society social group - is the process to learn and value and belief, culture of society is handed down. I found socialization is a process that takes place during the life of the individual, but shall be conducted intensively in growth period of childhood in particular.
Socialization is an experience that all people suffer, perhaps. Socialization of early, get at home. And, all people will be able to identify, but when it comes to high school and junior high school, to learn the world through friends and teachers around, socialization is carried out. Many changes occur people of all while experiencing socialization as this. So, good and evil theory, for good and evil theory, I have a much opposition. Some people live with a good heart from the beginning, it is bad for the neonatal brain has not yet developed, is that it can not sometimes say that it is good. So, I think education is very important in order for all countries reduce crime

1 comment:

  1. i think that education is someting to reduce crime, but other things is ...else education
