Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sociology Deviance

Deviation is one that deviates from social norms. Juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, sexual deviation, and so on.
Deviant behavior based on social norms and regulations in order to deviate from the subject, such as social control, and both are essential aspects of the requirements. So far most of the research for the deviation of the emphasis put on either side, which has been trying to access one side only. Early studies looking at, as if, as seongakseol as individuals tend to deviate in a flare, it is likely that the premise was based on the social norms to control the hazard or cause a malfunction, the deviant deviant behavior likely to cause appears to be has been considered. In contrast, to explain deviant behavior deviant side of the principal entrance from the example of 'saengrae Sex criminal "had a theory.
In recent years, principal deviation, on the other hand, in the self-frustration or tension, any attempt to try to resolve the conflict in violation of social norms have been looking at the results, such as strain theory, the role of being deployed galdeungron. On the other hand, the specific types of deviant behavior, where I learned from someone in a culture that emphasizes the results of learning theory is developed. Examples of the latter can be in flight in theory, cause the flight of flying by close contact with a group of cultural contact that theory, flight secondary criminal, aggressive or regressive culture received support from some Culture Seen flight secondary role behavior, flight, rather than the illegitimate opportunity structure in a legal opportunity to contact more than one occasion called the chance result of tectonics, and the like.

I wonder about the youth deviant. The cause of juvenile deviant, Should do in terms of personal and social perspectives should do?
I think, What is more important is the background or environment that Children growing up.

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