The prison was designed to make a high watchtower in a circular space in the center, along the circumference of the outside of the central watchtower, to create a room of prisoners. In addition, in the dark all the time, watchtower in the center so that prisoners can not know to where the line of sight of the monitor to be monitored by the with bright rooms. As this occurs, the prisoners would be that it has the feel themselves that are being monitored at all times, in the end, prisoners internalized and monitoring discipline to monitor itself.
However after Bentham was designed, it did not receive the attention, but the philosopher Michel Foucault in France, noted that the principles of the monitoring system of the Panopticon drill down to the public so it has turned into basic principle of norm society: panopticism, in his book "Discipline and Punish" in 1975, began renewed attention.
Then, As information technology is developing rapidly, the possibility of power institutions being able to freely control the people have also been raised by using a digital certificate and various other electronic residents card and electronic health policy.
Write an essay with a photo and explanation is good to understand and I want to know panopticon more in detail. (Hyune Joon Jeon, Messi)