Tuesday, June 24, 2014

(extra) Well-being

Modern industrial society has a system to force material wealth to people. So people consume most of the time in order to accumulate wealth. Therefore there is a tendency that consider mental health lightly compared to material wealth. It develop into mentally panic in the worst case.
Well-being refers to the culture of a new life that appear with growing number of people who want happy and beautiful life by the combination of physical and mental health in these modern industrial society.
Slow Food movement that began in Europe in the mid-1980s, slow but better working people that argued live slowly in the early 1990s, Bobos that pursued material interests of bourgeois and spiritual abundance of bohemian at the same time are also a form of well-being.
Well-being means everything harmonize to either side without bias including body and mind, work and rest, family and society, self and community and so on.
So referred to as a "well-beings" people enjoy organic products and fishes instead of meats. do a exercise that can stabilize the heart like abdomen breathing, yoga, climbing. eat delightfully slow food made ​​at home rather than eating out. enjoy the hobby, such as travel, mountain climbing, reading.

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