Saturday, June 7, 2014

(extra) eugenics

Humans genetically that aims to improve the study of scientific. In stock as of eugenics from the Greek "good seed" means the United Kingdom in 1883 golteon F. (Francis Galton) was used for the first time. In theory, Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin) The genetic theory of evolution and the age of human populations by applying it to stand at the time of breeding. Marriage between a man recognized as a good trait to encourage 'positive eugenics' and pathological gene to suppress the increase of such a marriage limit or discontinued 'passive eugenics' is clearly the case of humans, but according to Mendel's laws, except that the blood Because most of the actual pathological traits are the nucleus of the policy was discontinued. Determine the quality of the quality of the human embryo, so that the clerk ingangwan on the effects of environmental improvement and education as opposed to socialism and in Sweden since the 1930s, but such positions is to effectively promote the welfare policy was introduced as part actively. Woosaeng policy in the United States than in their home country fashion in the UK was. Bureau of the New York suburbs, Eugenics Record 1910 is installed and began a large-scale household survey. Discontinued law is established in 32 weeks, while the lower 1924 federal law, the ability to recognize non-Nordic race was banned in the United States immigration. Won in 1933, the Nazi regime in Germany discontinued immediately enacted the law in the first year only 56,000 people received at least two kinds of commands. Two kinds of policies are good for one person, even in Germany German Nazi racial policies that increase the party's one was playing a role. Life in the world is the subject of a few genetic diseases and many of them who are mentally handicapped were subjected to. Discontinued in Japan in 1940, the Nazis established the law in accordance with national law, but almost woosaeng does not function after rather than by laws made woosaeng were two kinds of people. In 1996, all the provisions of the parent Act woosaeng as deleted, but by the law so far 16,000 have been made more than forced discontinued.

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