Saturday, June 7, 2014


Why study demography?

I think . Demographic  is a natural and social history. Thereforeto learn the demographic is naturally thingBy studying the demographicit is possible to explain the phenomenon or population statistics. So we study demography.

Interesting part. Population Growth and Overpopulation

Effects of overpopulation
In general, Overpopulation is such a state population exceeds the appropriate number.
Overpopulation produces a situation of various problems.
Person Cannon. E described the surplus population. He saw the problem is going to happen in the three elements of production, an increase in the labor force only.

I've summarized the problem of overpopulation.
1 Child poverty 
   2 High birth rates 
     3 Insufficient arable land 
       4 Low per capital GDP 
         5 Increased crime rates resulting from people stealing resources to survive

I tried to research what is the over-population measures.
1As a measure of the first of overpopulationsuppression of birth can be considered.

Howeverthere is a question as a measure of over-population, the suppression of birth is about what really effective

>>> Under-population phenomenon is to appear population growth is reduced or stopped. It will be the amount of production per unit of labor is reduced.

2As a measure of the secondthere is an immigration policy. It can help reduce the population certainly immigration, but does not significantly decrease the rate of increase.

3. The third measureit is to increase the population buoyancy. And full employment policymeasures of industrial structure for that is necessary for that.
Q.There is no perfect measuresThere seems to be a need to consider other measures.

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