We often see in a science fiction movie scene using the graphics capabilities of the computer it is. For example, moving a large dinosaur figure and flying starships, such as the scene yijiyo. In addition to the film industry with state-of-the-art computer game industry representative cultural or realistic gaming scene, the characters are all state-of-the-art technology, the computer will be made.
In addition, we are also a favorite animation production utilizing state-of-the-art technology, and there are many, with more three-dimensional computer graphics and create a fantastic display.
The future of our state-of-the-art premium movies, computer games, animations, etc. have been exported to foreign countries more economically will bring many benefits.
Information and Communication
- Information is also referred to as network industries. Broadcasting equipment, computers, video phone or a computer, such as a program for the development of products, and Internet services and communications services to various industries that.
-Organisms using a variety of useful properties of the process, consisting of an industrial scale in talking about the biochemical processes, the characteristics of animals and plants have developed medicines or agricultural, livestock breeding and research in the field, map of the human genome has now completed a lot about the different countries are studying in this field.
Space Development
- Development of rockets and satellites, etc. There are several different because it uses a lot of high-tech industries and high-tech are tied closely related to the world of the future space station, the space you live outside the district of the city, including a lot of space and , which is needed in order to state-of-the-art technology.
Nano Technology
- In a billionth of a very small size to deal with 1m technology.
Usually known as nano-technology, electronics and computer technology, medical and health, aviation, environment and energy, and all areas studied.
In particular, Koreans ate rice with chopsticks, very fine to very superior technology industry, and is evolving the future of Korea is expected to be an important high-tech industry to industry.
- The development of the industry become more serious environmental pollution, the pollution prevention, pollution measuring machine, etc. to prevent contamination of the environment and development, looking for ways to conserve resources.
The future competitive environment, the country is a beautiful country will grow stronger.
Of-the-art technology, the movies, music, characters, computer games and other cultural industries can benefit more economical industry. Also we can export to a foreign culture, while keeping our culture and our unique culture, it is able to notify other countries is an advantage.
The development of alternative energy
- As mentioned above, depending on the environment becomes a serious problem, such as oil or coal can substitute for the need of energy.
Now nuclear power, wind power, solar energy, tidal power, hydroelectric power and so on.

* Nuclear power: an application of nuclear power generation, which is made of thermal energy generated by nuclear fission into steam to turn a generator to produce electric power scheme.
* Wind power: Spinning windmill in the wind, causing the electrical method.
* Solar energy, hydroelectric power: As the name suggests, solar and water. Using alternative energy.
* Tidal Power: the ebb and flow of a great power will be used.
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