Informal economy
Informal economy is a classification of a worker receiving compensation that occurs outside of the formal structure of employment .It is therefore not subject to the normal force of the tax registration and , in general , this is done by trading practical .In the informal economy , people do the job of " off-book accounting " .For example, you receive the cash , but not declared to the country it .In addition , there may be times when you pay the goods other than money from relatives and neighbors .Some researchers argued that " informal economy " has grown during the economic crisis of the 1980s , but it is a fact , able to see the meaningfulness and the size is important .Overall , there needs to be studied under the context of the work that is "sustained by " internal labor " External " in the official employment .The researchers , form a kind of wage labor ideology that it is necessary to take into account the interconnectedness between the two , how wage labor relationship is whether to penetrate the non- wage labor , how occurred socially it is necessary to consider both do.
It was experienced that can learn better on informal economy.
Learned easily in high school, but than I thought I try to find out and search, we were able to have more interest.
It was a time that it is possible to see think again the informal economy.
I worried about how the informal economy of South Korea is whether the development.
The type of informal economy is a concern.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Economy of the money, by the money, but for the people!
Study on Economy by Sociology
Time to look at the Economic system
(Introduction to Sociology/Economy)
In short, the economy is mean how to run money. Someone asked, 'What is economy?' perhaps your answer is 'It's meant how to run money' and i think this is universal answer by the common person.
The Definition of Economic
However, entering more deeply, economy is the ways people use their environment to meet their material needs. and also economy is includes the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods or services of that area. There many factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. In that sense, the economy is including the Wall Street in New York to fishermen of Somalia.
The history of economic
The ancient economy was mainly based on subsistence farming. And for most people the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships. There were also traders who bartered in the marketplaces. Reached even in Medieval times, what we now call economy was not far from the subsistence level. Most exchange betide within social groups. A full-fledged economic system of capital is starting to European colonies.
"Colonial capitalism has brought of real economic growth."
The first economist in the true meaning of the word was the Scotsman Adam Smith (1723-1790). According to the Wiki, He defined the elements of a national economy: products are offered at a natural price generated by the use of competition - supply and demand - and the division of labour. He maintained that the basic motive for free trade is human self interest. Since the in Europe, capitalism started to replace the system of mercantilism and led to economic growth. Although only the West feast. Since the industrial revolution, capitalism had grown increasingly awash, but make socialism was born, socialism had challenge to capitalism.
Introduction to Sociology/Economy/Informal economy
It is a classification of a worker receiving compensation that occurs outside of the formal structure of employment. It is therefore not subject to the normal force of the tax registration and, in general, this is done by trading practical.In the informal economy, people do the job of "off-book accounting".
I think, the range of informal economy is wide.And, there are advantages and disadvantages to it.
I wonder about what there is a kind of informal economy.
I think, the range of informal economy is wide.And, there are advantages and disadvantages to it.
I wonder about what there is a kind of informal economy.
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
The economy is mainly based on the ancient agricultural economy grows larger.
The exchange of goods occurred through social relationships.
In the Middle Ages, and so close to our standard of living, respectively.
Most of the exchanges occurred within a social group.
Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus discovered was to set the foundation of the world economy.
In many European countries to stabilize their economies to trade and the customs duties and taxes. Adam Smith, the basic motive for free trade is human self-satisfaction he said.
In Europe, the system of mercantilism was replaced by economic growth.
Economy has made a positive intention to geotinde michilkka Why do people have a negative impact?
The exchange of goods occurred through social relationships.
In the Middle Ages, and so close to our standard of living, respectively.
Most of the exchanges occurred within a social group.
Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus discovered was to set the foundation of the world economy.
In many European countries to stabilize their economies to trade and the customs duties and taxes. Adam Smith, the basic motive for free trade is human self-satisfaction he said.
In Europe, the system of mercantilism was replaced by economic growth.
Economy has made a positive intention to geotinde michilkka Why do people have a negative impact?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Economy is the ways people use their environment to satisfy their material needs.
Capitalism is an economic and social system to ensure that the entrepreneurial class and the capitalist with the means of production do production activities for the profit.
This economic system was developed in the United Kingdom from the 19th century to the 16th century.
And the economics of capitalism developed out of the interactions of five items.
But capitalism is associated with the unfair distribution of wealth and power. It appears as a tendency toward market monopoly or oligopoly.
Socialism has various theories, but generally means cooperation economy(the public possess directly means of production and share efficiently resources) and society that is distributed equally.
This economic structure is operated : government owns the means of production. and through centralized planning, it determines what should be produced and then instruct production quotas to the factories and workers. The goods that are produced are owned by the government and are then divided up among the workers.
but socialism take criticism because this system is inefficient and suppress freedom of citizen.
People have a desire anyone. It is the driving force of the economic systems and the cause of the economic system downfall. Also That is why socialism and capitalism show an incomplete figure. So I think that development of economy is possible but it is impossible economic system is complete. because economic system is formed by people and imperfect by people. Therefore imperfections of economic system should accept perfection in the area of social.
if new economic system is built, what do it look like? Is there any way you can get great method of development of capitalism and socialism?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
The history of economy starts a long years ago. For most people the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships. From here we can see the economy began.The ancient economy was mainly based on farming. however over time economy was based on coin (ex. gold and silver coin). Talking here of the ancient times.
In the Middle Ages. Economy develop very big. Most exchange occurred within social groups. In other words, Jump over the personal exchange. The discoveries of Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus set the foundations for a global economy. In this era The first economist in the true meaning of the word was the Scotsman Adam Smith. He defined the elements of a national economy : products are offered at a natural price generated by the use of competition - supply and demand - and the division of labour.
The concept of tariff and tax occurs, people adapt this law.
Seen In summary the development of the economy, the scope of the concept of economy has become bigger and bigger.
The economy is more complex than I thought, but also a difficult and spacious, it is the content that there is only fun it
If there is a point you want to question one, the development of the economy, that how it is great progress in this way, if by chance it is defined indeed by any people, if necessary Is it a coincidence or the inevitable to be worried about it if there is.
Introduduction to Sociology_Economy
The ancient economy was mainly based on subsistence farming. For most people the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships. There were also traders who bartered in the marketplaces.They developed the first known codified legal and administrative systems, complete with courts, jails, and government records.Several centuries after the invention of cuneiform, the use of writing expanded beyond debt/payment certificates and inventory lists to be applied for the first time, about 2600 BC, to messages and mail delivery, history, legend, mathematics, and astronomical records.In Medieval times, what we now call economy was not far from the subsistence level. Most exchange occurred within social groups.
The European captures became branches of the European states, the so-called "colonies". The rising nation-states Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands tried to control the trade through custom duties and taxes in order to protect their national economy. Mercantilism was a first approach to intermediate between private wealth and public interest.
The first economist in the true meaning of the word was the Scotsman Adam Smith (1723-1790). He defined the elements of a national economy: products are offered at a natural price generated by the use of competition - supply and demand - and the division of labour.
I was interested to read about history of economy and capitalism. and how it works was also interesting. But I want to know more about socialism.
I think GDP can show about people's material happiness but can't show about people's spirital hapiness. People who earn lots of money can be a unhappy people.
The ancient economy was mainly based on subsistence farming. For most people the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships. There were also traders who bartered in the marketplaces.They developed the first known codified legal and administrative systems, complete with courts, jails, and government records.Several centuries after the invention of cuneiform, the use of writing expanded beyond debt/payment certificates and inventory lists to be applied for the first time, about 2600 BC, to messages and mail delivery, history, legend, mathematics, and astronomical records.In Medieval times, what we now call economy was not far from the subsistence level. Most exchange occurred within social groups.
The European captures became branches of the European states, the so-called "colonies". The rising nation-states Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands tried to control the trade through custom duties and taxes in order to protect their national economy. Mercantilism was a first approach to intermediate between private wealth and public interest.
The first economist in the true meaning of the word was the Scotsman Adam Smith (1723-1790). He defined the elements of a national economy: products are offered at a natural price generated by the use of competition - supply and demand - and the division of labour.
I was interested to read about history of economy and capitalism. and how it works was also interesting. But I want to know more about socialism.
I think GDP can show about people's material happiness but can't show about people's spirital hapiness. People who earn lots of money can be a unhappy people.
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
economy history
economies grew larger as societies grew and became more complex.
The ancient economy was based on subsistence farming.and
the first stamped coins were minted around 650-600 BC.
the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships.
There were traders who bartered in the marketplaces.
The ancient state developed economic systems such as stamped coins, exchange of goods. In Medieval times, there were also occurred exchange within social groups.and In the 15th century, the discoveries of america is the foundation for a global economy.
The European captures became branches of the European states, the so-called "colonies".
capitalism history
Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century on in Europe.
Capitalism gradually spread throughout other parts of the world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world.
The origins of modern markets can be traced back to the Roman Empire where the earliest forms of merchant capitalism.
The economic system employed between the 16th and 18th centuries is described as mercantilism.nation tried to control the trade through custom duties and taxes in order to protect their national economy. During the Industrial Revolution,
the industrialist replaced the merchant as a dominant actor in the capitalist system.
my opinion
after read this article I learned about mercantilism and ancient economy system.
and I was interested that U.S government played a larger and larger role in passing antitrust laws and regulation of industrial standards for key industries of special public concern
if the U.S government had not controlled their nation economy in the mid-19th century,
what would happpen to the U.S economy situation?
economies grew larger as societies grew and became more complex.
The ancient economy was based on subsistence farming.and
the first stamped coins were minted around 650-600 BC.
the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships.
There were traders who bartered in the marketplaces.
The ancient state developed economic systems such as stamped coins, exchange of goods. In Medieval times, there were also occurred exchange within social groups.and In the 15th century, the discoveries of america is the foundation for a global economy.
The European captures became branches of the European states, the so-called "colonies".
capitalism history
Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century on in Europe.
Capitalism gradually spread throughout other parts of the world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world.
The origins of modern markets can be traced back to the Roman Empire where the earliest forms of merchant capitalism.
The economic system employed between the 16th and 18th centuries is described as mercantilism.nation tried to control the trade through custom duties and taxes in order to protect their national economy. During the Industrial Revolution,
the industrialist replaced the merchant as a dominant actor in the capitalist system.
my opinion
after read this article I learned about mercantilism and ancient economy system.
and I was interested that U.S government played a larger and larger role in passing antitrust laws and regulation of industrial standards for key industries of special public concern
if the U.S government had not controlled their nation economy in the mid-19th century,
what would happpen to the U.S economy situation?
Economy / capitalism
1) history
To find the origins of modern markets we have to go back to the Roman Empire and the Islamic Golden Age and Muslim Agricultural Revolution. In there the earliest form of capitalism began in between 8th-12th centuries. Many Muslim mechants lead innovative trades.
In 16th-18th century the mercantilism took lead, geographic discovery and overseas trade grew rapidly. Empires bulit colonies and merchants used colonies as there markets and source of surplus. In this time system of trade for profit was made. The commercial stage began with British and Dutch East India Company. Through Industrial Revolution, industrial capitalism was on the rise. Division of work and routinization of individuals position made much more profits.
In late 19th century, oligopolistic firms earning enormous profits took a lead in economy. Large industrial monopolies were made. In last quarter of the 19th century, people raised hare about tyrannys of specific oligopolistic firms. They want trust and ethics in trade, and those needs provoked legislation of commerce.
2) how capitalism works.
Individuals engage in economy as sonsumers, labours, or investors.
Business firms seeking profits as much as they can get, they decide what and where they will produce. By profit motive, they produce what consumers want.
Capitalism is compeletely competetive structure. Each labours' income is determined by individuals' ability. If you have high-degree skill, you will get high income, but if you don't, you will get lower wages. Following this competetive structure, unemployment is neccessary factor of capitalism to influence labours to work hard and make more profits.
In capitalism, goverment has important role, too. goverment allows private property and also labours have freedom to choose where they want to work. And government issues money, provides public utilities, make laws to protect labours and prevent excessive competetion between firms.
My opinion
I grew up in capitalism, and I got used to it. When I was young, I learned that capitalism gives motivation to people to work hard, and that makes the country strong. But in socialism, because whther individuals work hard or not they all get same income, nobody wants to work and evetually that makes the country poor. So, I naturally thought capitalism is good and socialism is bad.But as I grow up and studying capitalism and socialism deeper, now I learned that capitalism also has lot of problems that makes people sacarstic, selfish and makes society many unfair.
I think when we think of most of social issues, we should not determine what is right or what is wrong, and there is no absolute answer. To make better world we have to consider each opinions deeply, and try to think thoroughly. And that's the reason that we study sociology.
Is there any other theories that put together capitalism and socialism? Or any other scholars who tried to supplement the problems of each theories?
Introduction to Sociology / Economy

Capitalism is an economic and social system that capital and the non-worker factors of production or the means of production are privately regulated; worker, goods and capital are traded in market place; profits are taken by the proprietor or invested in technologies and industries; and wages are paid to work. Although capitalist-like organizations existed in the ancient world, and early aspects of merchant capitalism flourished during the Late Middle Ages, capitalism as a system developed gradually from the 16th century on in Europe. Capitalism gradually spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world.
There are how capitalism works. The economics of capitalism expanded out of the interactions of the following five items: 1. Commodities: There are two types of commodities: capital goods and consumer goods. 2. Money: Money is primarily a standardized means of exchange which serves to reduce all goods and commodities to a standard value. 3. Labour power: Labour includes all mental and physical human resources, including entrepreneurial capacity and management skills, which are needed to transform one type of commodity into another. 4. Means of production: All manufacturing aids to production such as tools, machinery, and buildings. 5.Production: The act of making goods or services through the combination of labour power and means of production.
For a long time, I've been thinking in wonder the fact that people in the past have been the barter surplus products. Each time I touched something like this in the textbook, I actively agreed to term existence to life by creating a tool. I guess that people in the past are more smarter and wiser than modern people. Because, all things now, we have developed is those that are coming from their thoughts.
2014048395 kim gahyun
Economic needs of people with their own environmental laws data on them.
The business community has become increasingly complex. Ancient economy is subsistence agriculture. Economic exchange product, the formation of the development of social relationships. The company also moved between medieval Gamyeonseo deal. Adam Smith is to determine the true meaning of the economy. Free trade is a basic human motivation advocate their own interests.
Capitalism is commodity, capital and labor, production and production. The development of such interaction 5 activities.
Critics have called the criticism of capitalism is unreasonable.
Socialism is directly owned by the management and workers of various theories of economic organization. Most socialists that capitalism is not fair. In Asia, China, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam. Some countries of the socialist countries in Europe, Germany, Latin America and the United States composed. Socialism is a social, economic and political model is inefficient to accept the criticism. Measure of national economic activity, there are many ways. GDP is below that figure, including per capita GDP of all countries of the world gross domestic product (GDP).
Economic needs of people with their own environmental laws data on them.
The business community has become increasingly complex. Ancient economy is subsistence agriculture. Economic exchange product, the formation of the development of social relationships. The company also moved between medieval Gamyeonseo deal. Adam Smith is to determine the true meaning of the economy. Free trade is a basic human motivation advocate their own interests.
Capitalism is commodity, capital and labor, production and production. The development of such interaction 5 activities.
Critics have called the criticism of capitalism is unreasonable.
Socialism is directly owned by the management and workers of various theories of economic organization. Most socialists that capitalism is not fair. In Asia, China, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam. Some countries of the socialist countries in Europe, Germany, Latin America and the United States composed. Socialism is a social, economic and political model is inefficient to accept the criticism. Measure of national economic activity, there are many ways. GDP is below that figure, including per capita GDP of all countries of the world gross domestic product (GDP).
Socialism and capitalism, the economic system was a lot of opposition .
Socialism is basically acknowledging that the differential between individuals , whereas all Production property (factories, land , etc.) are owned by the state
Production property owned by individuals working in the country 's ability to meet their work and will receive distribution in accordance with its capabilities .
Capitalism is thought to occur because of human beings and incomplete reporting,
By a certain power or authority should not danghamyeon apsal human freedom claims.
They are of utmost importance to personal freedom , private ownership , including the right to pursue happiness , and talk called natural rights.
Countries do insist that you only minimal intervention .
One possible realization of the socialist reality, is not the logical conclusion that was impossible relief system
In reality, capitalism is human nature will lead to a more appropriate system
My opinion
I like capitalism and neo liberalism more than socialism because I was born and raised in that country.
Capitalism is not bad idea but it's really hard to be adapt real world.
Many country tried but can't be succeed.
also Capitalism is not perfect thing just modify by doing many situation and makes better real world.
People can be pure to realise Socialism, the world be changed not like now?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Economy refers to the ways people use their environment to meet their material needs.
The economics of capitalism developed out of the interactions of the commodities, money, labour power, means of production, production.Individuals engage in the economy as consumers, labourers, and investors, providing both money and labour power.Business firms decide what to produce and where this production should occur. They also purchase capital goods to convert them into consumer goods. Businesses try to influence consumer purchase decisions throughmarketing as well as the creation of new and improved products.The market is a term used by economists to describe a central exchange through which people are able to buy and sell goods and services.
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.
I think the economy is a field dealing with scarcity.
For example, in the case of a resource that anyone can enjoy the atmosphere as (air), It not worthy of scarcity. A definition of economy is the system according to which scarce resources, industry, the money and trade of a country or region are organized. There are two big systems of society, how people use the economic things.
Capitalism is the purpose of obtaining profits. That capitalism is characterized by private property system. I suggest The features of capitalism.1 The commodification of labor.
2. Obtained for the purpose of producing a profit. 3. Production is unplanned. 4. There is a price on all goods.
Weber products are produced by modern capitalism is trying to obtain profits were called mental attitude. Capitalist commodity production also takes place under the same attitude that he told circulation economic system.
One of the biggest advantages of the capitalist market economy is prospered.
If working hard ,capitalism will be given rewards.
In other words, "I work for X amount of compensation you receive X" on the idea that people are more hard work.
Roughly as much as 5 to 10 than under 5 who want to get him.
The advantage of this one is the best, because now accepted in the world of capitalism would not be an exaggeration going.
If working hard ,capitalism will be given rewards.
In other words, "I work for X amount of compensation you receive X" on the idea that people are more hard work.
Roughly as much as 5 to 10 than under 5 who want to get him.
The advantage of this one is the best, because now accepted in the world of capitalism would not be an exaggeration going.
accept the capitalist market economy in China is a little bit changed as soon as more prospered. see you growing this rapid growth !.
To do this, the biggest advantage is that the economic growth of capitalism.
The disadvantage is that then, the biggest drawback is that the gap between rich and poor, unfair distribution of wealth.
Socialism is a wealth of community ownership of the property and the labor required to produce based on the idea of trying to achieve a just society.
Socialism in the mid-19th century liberation movement of the working class has been associated with . I 've shown many socialist ideas , he is one of the most influential Marxist Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels , respectively. They are the development of socialist law and society , especially the inevitable result of capitalist development was defined as a new member of society . This means that the productivity of the capitalist society in the large-scale production is growing rapidly takes on a social character , but this is the reason of the means of production , exploitation of workers by capitalists to intensify the contradictions of poverty , unemployment , resulting in periodic panic . The reason for this contradiction is repealed and the socialization of the means of production , and organizational management of the national economy only by deliberately resolved. According to them, the transition from capitalism to socialism requires a revolution and the victory of socialism and the working class organization and productivity in order to rapidly developing countries for their needs.
Cooperatively to form free-equal society dominated by self-interest, others, such as poverty, injustice, ever want to free people from social movements, leading to the end of the social system, collectively. The headwaters are not private property, cooperative living, such as the praise of the Christian doctrine of the Stoic philosophy or (敎 义) can be found even in medieval philosophy at the end of the struggle can be seen farmers ie socialist society is hierarchical and class society, namely the identity breaking talking to ordinary society
my opinion.
Capitalism, socialism is good or what is good or it is not a question seems to look wise. It's as if all the pros and cons of each person who is like you. When capitalism is the problem when it is selfish. Only for himself, or for his greedy only when capitalism End of the world is getting cold and bleak. The heart is not getting attention Rather, the crisis of the individual and the community Selfish capitalists have fattened their chance to be recognized. So capitalism is for characters that have sometimes receive criticism. Utopian socialism is that very theory draws a picture. Theory only as the world really is going to be a great place to live. The biggest problem is that the theory of socialism in the process of realizing appears. It is a matter of the right person. Vary in every person that is never easy to cope with the difference that it is not. Socialism in an attempt to overcome such a difference to people who claim that Organization of the socialist system. But the socialist system is to differentiate people innately structure. And those who claim themselves by apseotdago Many others forced to follow the argument and will get tuned. Ironically, the failure of socialism will do just that this enforceability. Forced to realize their ideal theory is very significant because it is a contradiction. The most important key to the right of the theory of socialism and self- This autonomy is to be completed when there is socialist theory. But in reality, such a rate is not institutionalized socialism inside Mandatory rather full appearance. In fact, capitalism and socialism are connected to a single line with each other, I think. Recently a new view of famous people said capitalism. Creative capitalism, capitalism is to say altruistic. The key is to say that perhaps the view would mean that the maturation of capitalism. Capitalism, which is very mature. Some say that one of capitalism's face it, it seems to say. Selfish capitalism is in fact the love of money is said to capitalism. Inverse selfish capitalism as such, mature capitalism Or for people who love to be able to say that capitalism. Capitalism is characterized by loving people that will be caring and sharing. And such a caring and sharing people's personal practice will be able to see mature. Caring and sharing personal maturity that comes from the Never is not mandatory, only the appearance of a purely voluntary one is serving. This caring and sharing is performed autonomously So with a lot of character and those with less, and not a party girl They are diverse in spite of the differences in each person Cheoryeom delicious bibimbap like the one laughing together with the community to be able to cry when That is the theory of the socialist-oriented think that the ideal society. The problem is the right person to be your own. Mature society is losing a lot of people will just mature.
That everyone is happy society I think it will be a beautiful community. People who love and its end points, the direction of mature capitalism Ideal socialist society is headed right here, I think.
I think the critics are right about capitalism. Korea is the capitalist system,capitalist countries. So that I think we know about the disadvantages of capitalism. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting worse. And persons based on supply and demand, our society have discrimination, disadvantaged. so that the government may be advertised. However, this system is limited, and I think goverment should have to find the other solution.
That everyone is happy society I think it will be a beautiful community. People who love and its end points, the direction of mature capitalism Ideal socialist society is headed right here, I think.
I think the critics are right about capitalism. Korea is the capitalist system,capitalist countries. So that I think we know about the disadvantages of capitalism. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting worse. And persons based on supply and demand, our society have discrimination, disadvantaged. so that the government may be advertised. However, this system is limited, and I think goverment should have to find the other solution.
Look at the process of the transition of capitalism
Industrial capitalism, monopoly capitalism're following. Snaps from industrial capitalism to monopoly capitalism, I wonder why.
Monopoly capitalism and government intervention in the market economy is not it?
What's different is modified capitalism ditch?
Industrial capitalism, monopoly capitalism're following. Snaps from industrial capitalism to monopoly capitalism, I wonder why.
Monopoly capitalism and government intervention in the market economy is not it?
What's different is modified capitalism ditch?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy : Socialism
Keyword to explain Socialism are ‘distribution’ and ‘equality’. According these keyword, socialists claim that policies collecting peoples’ money, resources, etc are right things, because government is likely to distribute equally to workers. Basic idea of Socialism is that statement is one of production. Also, in terms of socialism, socialists say that Capitalism is unfair. They say it has not equal chances in society.
Typical socialism statement is Soviet Union. Soviet Union show socialism policies through price that be decided by supply and demand. These supply and demand are supervised by Soviet Union.
Socialism develops as response to Capitalism. But Marxists say that Socialism has feature of Communism.
I think this picture can explain socialism system well, and help to understand.
Learned items and my opinion
Actually, I knew only definition of Socialism before. After read this article I learn more about Socialism. Especially I'm interested in appearance background of socialism and development process of modern socialism.
Also, as I find some related picture, I find bad awareness about socialism by the public. I think these awareness emerges by the reason of statements that adopt socialism system. Heads of the statements don't keep original socialism system, and they commit corruption by using collect money feature of socialism.
Why people have bad awareness about socialism?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Criticisms of Socialism
There is many opinion about criticism of socialism. In the socialist system, it is inefficient and it can also be a violation of civil liberties.In socialism system,citizens can not make a decision for economic rationally.Because there is not enough information about prices and productive quotas.Many sociologists argued that the social control over distribution of wealth and private property advocated by socialists cannot be achieved good economy.It can make reduced prosperity and it can take many people's economic freedom.
My opinion
Currently, in the world, many of the socialist countries has changed the capitalist system.
However,some countries has maintained a socialist system also now, North Korea which is divided with us by Korea war is such a state.Clearly, I think that in theory, socialism is an economic system that can make the country very ideal. However, when applied to reality,it was very inconsistent.Reading "Criticisms of socialism" part, I knew about socialism's problem and sociologists' opinion.
If people is good-natured like the people in theory that human nature
is fundamentally good, can socialism take root in many country?
There is many opinion about criticism of socialism. In the socialist system, it is inefficient and it can also be a violation of civil liberties.In socialism system,citizens can not make a decision for economic rationally.Because there is not enough information about prices and productive quotas.Many sociologists argued that the social control over distribution of wealth and private property advocated by socialists cannot be achieved good economy.It can make reduced prosperity and it can take many people's economic freedom.
My opinion
Currently, in the world, many of the socialist countries has changed the capitalist system.
However,some countries has maintained a socialist system also now, North Korea which is divided with us by Korea war is such a state.Clearly, I think that in theory, socialism is an economic system that can make the country very ideal. However, when applied to reality,it was very inconsistent.Reading "Criticisms of socialism" part, I knew about socialism's problem and sociologists' opinion.
If people is good-natured like the people in theory that human nature
is fundamentally good, can socialism take root in many country?
Friday, March 28, 2014
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Criticisms of Capitalism
Capitalism is economic and social system in which economic and social are become operational by individual. Capitalism is faithful to competition and economic principle and market spontaneously determines most economic factors like cost, demand and supply. So it looks like reasonable.
But, as competition become severe, many side effects has emerged. The emblematic phenomenon is that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger. People who have money get power, and the power make capitalist richer. Consequentially, in capitalism, most part of capital was concentrated in small capitalist. When laissez-faire laws are combined with capitalist private property, oligopolistic is an inevitable consequence.
To solve this contradictions, many sociologist argue that economic system should be controlled through public policy. Cladimir Lenin said that to protect domestic economy, the country can use military power. Branko Horvat said that concentration of capital, employment and power lead to destruction of economic freedom. And many other socialist and economist are cautious about inequalities of economic factors. Some environmentalists worry about consumptive economic growth. Natural resources of the earth is limited. So , someday, they think resources would be run out.
Proponents of capitalism contradict these criticism. They argue that capitalism increases GDP and it leads to improve standards of living.
Introduction to Sociology / Economy
Introduction to Sociology / Economy
The economy that has been in existence since ancient times. City-state and the surrounding Babylonian, developed the idea of economic very modern. Since the invention of cuneiform, direction to be used in economic activity has been greatly expanded. In the era of the Middle Ages, Vasco de Gama Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus contributed to the world economy. In addition, the Stock Exchange for the first time and the first companies were also made in the era of the Middle Ages. In addition, there is a major theme of the two in economy. One is capitalism, the other is a socialist. Capitalism is a system of economy and society to focus freely. Production goods, money, labor, and means of production. Capitalism grows with the interaction from five items of these. Socialism is the society itself, the theory and planning the economic system with an emphasis equally on the above items.
Feeling point
I was surprised about what you had economic principle very modern city-state that next to it with the ancient Babylonians had. I felt also economic system they have built, and that there is no place that is different from the otherwise modern systems also great.
Question point
I want to know more about why a principle more about the difference between socialism and capitalism. Differences in learning of both will only exist something, why economic, social and political at all.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
1. Summary : Economy has been existed from the ancient times. The Babylonians and their city state neighbors developed fairly modern economic ideas. After the invention of cuneiform, the use of writing in economic actions expanded. In medieval times, venture capital has raised by the great conquerors. Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama contributed to the foundations for a global economy. The first enterprises and first stock exchange happened in medieval times too.
There are two major themes in economy. One is capitalism, and the other is socialism. Capitalism is an economic and social system which put emphasis on freedom. The economics of capitalism developed out of the interactions of the five items: Commodities, Money, Labour power, Means of production, and Production. Socialism is theory or society. It put emphasis on equality.
2. What was interesting/What did you learn : I learned that the Babylonians and their city state neighbors developed fairly modern economic ideas. Ancient people's mental faculties are amazing.
3. Discussion Point : Ancient Asia has there own economic ideas too. But Wikibooks didn't mention about them. Why?
There are two major themes in economy. One is capitalism, and the other is socialism. Capitalism is an economic and social system which put emphasis on freedom. The economics of capitalism developed out of the interactions of the five items: Commodities, Money, Labour power, Means of production, and Production. Socialism is theory or society. It put emphasis on equality.
2. What was interesting/What did you learn : I learned that the Babylonians and their city state neighbors developed fairly modern economic ideas. Ancient people's mental faculties are amazing.
3. Discussion Point : Ancient Asia has there own economic ideas too. But Wikibooks didn't mention about them. Why?
Capitalism & Socialism
Capitalism is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
On the contrary, Socialism is a set of left-wing political principles whose general aim is to create a system in which everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from a country's wealth. Under socialism, the country's main industries are usually owned by the state.
Socialism is the most ideal theory that i know. So It's a pity that socialism is failed to bring about their ideal society. I think the reason is that socialist doesn't consider personal desire. But capitalism has survived. I think without personal desire, capitalism is also failed.
Is it really impossible to bring about a socialist state? I think that if all the people received the same education about socialism, It would be different.
Economy - Capitalism and Socialism
Capitalism is an economic and social system in which capital and the non-labor factors of production or the means of production are privately controlled.
History of capitalism can be divided into each century.The economic system employed between the 16th and 18th centuries is commonly described especially from England. In the late 19th century, the control and direction of large areas of industry came into the hands of trusts, financiers and holding companies. But by the end of the 19th century, economic depressions and boom and bust business cycles had become a recurring problem.
And How capitalism to work, there are five types. Commodities, Money, Labour power, Means of production, Production. Capital is created with the purchase of commodities for the purpose of creating new commodities with an exchange value higher than the sum of the original purchases.
But critics argue that capitalism is associated with the unfair distribution of wealth and power; a tendency toward market monopoly or oligopoly.
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.
There are some examples of socialism. The People's Republic of China, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam are Asian states remaining from the first wave of socialism in the 20th century. Elsewhere in Asia, some elected socialist parties and communist parties remain prominent, particularly in India and Nepal. In Europe, the Left Party in Germany has grown in popularity, becoming the fourth biggest party in parliament in the general election on 27 September 2009. In some Latin American countries, socialism has re-emerged in recent years, with an anti-imperialist stance, the rejection of the policies of neoliberalism , and the nationalisation or part nationalisation of oil production, land and other assets.
And criticisms of socialism range from claims that socialist economic and political models are inefficient or incompatible with civil liberties to condemnation of specific socialist states .
My Opinion
I was able through this opportunity, to know more deeply about socialism and capitalism. Usually, I was thought to be a bad idea to unconditionally socialism. However, through this opportunity, to know the pros and cons of socialism and capitalism, it has become possible to have an objective viewpoint for both events. I have a line of sight more negative of socialism yet, but I think I want to know more about socialism.
And, I summarize partial and deep this time. So I felt this is also good way.
I want to know more example of capitalism and socialism. And, I wonder example of their success and failure.
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Earliest form of merchant capitalism is got a footing in 8th~12th centuries. In the 13th centuries, many early capitalist concepts(big businesses, capital accumulation, pawing...) were introduced and advanced. When the major system was mercantilism, between the 16th and 18th centuries, it was a beginning of the stage of modern capitalism that East India Company and the Dutch East India Company founding. But as the world entered the 19th centuries, problems were resurfaced like economic depressions and market monopoly.
Socialism contains diverse theories that economic organization owns and manages the means of production and resources. The most popular example of socialism is the Soviet Union’s. The government determines everything like quantities, sale price, and ect, then distributes productions to the labor. In this logic, there was a criticism that socialist planned economies would fail because planners could not have the inherent information about market. But it could complemented as the suggestion that price would be determined by trial and error. Nevertheless the biggest weakness in socialism is there are possibility of violation civil liberties.
The two notions are very familiar but I though the kinds of socialism is just one that Soviet Union’s. But there are so many different types. It was interesting and the illustration(How capitalism and socialism works) is so simple and clear so it’s easy to understand.
I wonder there are no theory that substitute capitalism or much better idea that complemented the weakness of capitalism and socialism.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Economy is one of the most important factors that organize society. A definition of economy is the system according to which the money, industry, and trade of a country or region are organized. By how people use money there are two big systems of society, CAPITALISM AND SOCIALISM.
Capitalism is an economic and political system in which property, business, and industry are owned by private individuals and not by the state. Capitalism is controlled through supply & demand and competition. By capitalism individuals are allowed for private property. However criticisms also exist. It can cause unfair distribution of wealth and power, a tendency toward market monopoly or oligopoly, imperialism and phenomena such as social alienation, economic inequality, unemployment, and economic instability. Adam Smith and Karl Marx suggest different opinions about capitalism.
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended. Asia, Europe, Latin America and even United States are example of socialism.
Someone to expand the products and services, those that economic activity has begun. Larger society evolves, the economy has become more complex. Through social relationships, most people made a barter. Thereafter, letters were invented, after the certificate or the like is obtained, content on transactions were standardized.
Economic system of capital for the purpose of capitalist pursuit of profit will dominate.
Capitalism Economic system of capital for the purpose of profit seeking to dominate.
Socialism System that attempts to achieve a society where everyone is equally harmony through the social system to resolve the conflict that capitalism has produced, share socially the means of production.
However, in my opinion because it has the advantages and disadvantages of each of both systems, it can not be which is better.
My opinion
I found that commodities, money, labour, power means of production, production to interact when capitalism worked.
I want to know about the economic system of socialism and non-capitalism
Someone to expand the products and services, those that economic activity has begun. Larger society evolves, the economy has become more complex. Through social relationships, most people made a barter. Thereafter, letters were invented, after the certificate or the like is obtained, content on transactions were standardized.
Economic system of capital for the purpose of capitalist pursuit of profit will dominate.
Capitalism Economic system of capital for the purpose of profit seeking to dominate.
Socialism System that attempts to achieve a society where everyone is equally harmony through the social system to resolve the conflict that capitalism has produced, share socially the means of production.
However, in my opinion because it has the advantages and disadvantages of each of both systems, it can not be which is better.
My opinion
I found that commodities, money, labour, power means of production, production to interact when capitalism worked.
I want to know about the economic system of socialism and non-capitalism
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Examples of Socialism / GDP
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Examples of Socialism / GDP
Examples of Socialism
Asia remaining the first wave of socialism in the 20th century. In Asia, North Korea, China ,Vietnam are Socialism. But, except North Korea, they are changing capitalism. And Socialist market economy is getting smaller.
In Europe, Socialist Partys are getting weaker in Denmark, Germany, Greece and so on.
In Latin America, some leaders doing despotic government.
Generally, Socialism and that influence are getting weaker.
GDP = Gross Domestic Product of a nation is a measure of the scale of its economy. It is often useful but it is not mean quality of life.
Why socialism is bound to fail?
Why Socialism is impossible in reality?
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
Someone to expand the products and services, those that economic activity has begun. Larger society evolves, the economy has become more complex. Through social relationships, most people made a barter. Thereafter, letters were invented, after the certificate or the like is obtained, content on transactions were standardized.
Economic system of capital for the purpose of capitalist pursuit of profit will dominate.
Capitalism Economic system of capital for the purpose of profit seeking to dominate.
Socialism System that attempts to achieve a society where everyone is equally harmony through the social system to resolve the conflict that capitalism has produced, share socially the means of production.
However, in my opinion because it has the advantages and disadvantages of each of both systems, it can not be which is better.
My opinion
I found that commodities, money, labour, power means of production, production to interact when capitalism worked.
I want to know about the economic system of socialism and non-capitalism
Someone to expand the products and services, those that economic activity has begun. Larger society evolves, the economy has become more complex. Through social relationships, most people made a barter. Thereafter, letters were invented, after the certificate or the like is obtained, content on transactions were standardized.
Economic system of capital for the purpose of capitalist pursuit of profit will dominate.
Capitalism Economic system of capital for the purpose of profit seeking to dominate.
Socialism System that attempts to achieve a society where everyone is equally harmony through the social system to resolve the conflict that capitalism has produced, share socially the means of production.
However, in my opinion because it has the advantages and disadvantages of each of both systems, it can not be which is better.
My opinion
I found that commodities, money, labour, power means of production, production to interact when capitalism worked.
I want to know about the economic system of socialism and non-capitalism
Introduction to Sociology/Economy
economies grew larger as societies grew and became more complex.For most people the exchange of goods occurred through social relationships.There were also traders who bartered in the marketplaces.Most exchange occurred within social groups.The capital investment would be returned to the investor when goods from the newly discovered or captured lands were returned by the conquerors.The European captures became branches of the European states, the so-called "colonies".
sm as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century on in Europe, although capitalist-like organizations existed in the ancient.Capitalism gradually spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world.The economic system employed between the 16th and 18th centuries is commonly described as mercantilism.This period was associated with geographic discoveries by merchant overseas traders, especially from England, and the rapid growth in overseas trade. Mercantilism was a system of trade for profit, although commodities were still largely produced by non-capitalist production methods.i think that in capitalism money and product are prominent and affect economy enormously
sm as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century on in Europe, although capitalist-like organizations existed in the ancient.Capitalism gradually spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it provided the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world.The economic system employed between the 16th and 18th centuries is commonly described as mercantilism.This period was associated with geographic discoveries by merchant overseas traders, especially from England, and the rapid growth in overseas trade. Mercantilism was a system of trade for profit, although commodities were still largely produced by non-capitalist production methods.i think that in capitalism money and product are prominent and affect economy enormously
Invitation to Sociology - Economy
1. Summary
Capitalism: It is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
Economy refers to how to use their environment for people to meet the needs of their own materials. This is the economic system of the realization of other regions and countries. It services in the region include production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of the product. Economy that has been specified in the evolution of the final result of technology related processes, history, society, as well as organization, of other factors and ecological qualities geography, natural resources,. These elements, and can set parameters and functional status of the economy that provide content depending on the situation.
Capitalism: It is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
Socialism: It is a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. My opinion
Before reading this chapter, I thought socialism is same as communism. But there was a big difference. For example, in socialism, government just controls foundations of production. On the other hand, government of communism controls not only foundations of production but also distribution.
Also, I got differences and basic concepts of socialism and capitalism through reading this wikibooks.
3. Questions
No questions yet.
Introduction to Sociology/Economy summary and my think
The term capitalism is used in many ways by people. For example, in the sense of the degree of commodity production for profit, it is used to be synonymous with money economy simply, is sometimes used in the sense of liberal economy based on the reason property system for the socialist planned economy.
Social thinkers of the 19th century, concentrated evil person, capital of the various contradictions of capitalist society, increase of waste poverty, and unemployment of resources, such as war regular panic, and imperialism is displayed only if the capital was considered to be due to individualism is a basic principle of principle. Therefore, since I thought in order to modify the capitalist society, and to abolish the individualism, that there is a conflict need on the principle of reverse, the word socialism has been born again as opposite of individualism.
I think it's thought socialism is good. Because, it's because of the theory at its best effort to create a mechanism to live happily and equality without economic inequality of human beings from the beginning. However, depending on the nature of human beings, on behalf of many people and all blow more economical was to state poverty economically the country of his socialism. However, I think I is not a theory of the best in society capitalism. Clearly, to us humans, a better theory will be made better structure and theory beyond socialism, capitalism
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