Saturday, April 5, 2014

Introduction to Sociology/Politics

Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions.  It consists of social relations involving authority or power, the regulation of political units, and the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply social policy. Political power is a type of power held by a group in a society which allows that group to administrate the distribution of public resources, including labor, and wealth. In government, authority is often used interchangeably with the term "power". However, their meanings differ. Authority refers to a claim of legitimacy, the justification and right to exercise power. the fact that the government has authority gives it the right to use power to force citizens to do what the government deems appropriate. There are many types of governments and there are Monarchy, Democracy, Totalitarianism, Oligarchy, Communist State, Theocracy.

I have thought that there is only two types of governments, democracy and cummunist State. So I was shocked to know that there is so many types of types of governments and countries.

 It can have nothing with politics, but there is story of voting. so I wonder if candidates publicize on online? I think I haven't seen it, it can be problem? 


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  2. There are many different forms of government. Then, in the form of government of each, there are advantages and disadvantages. by hayoung an
