Sunday, June 1, 2014

Introduction to Sociology/Family


 Form of family organization 

This means that a man and a woman sexual relationship was legalized, all cultures have recognized the importance of the nuclear family units consisting of children of unmarried couple. Is composed of a spouse and relatives that together house and food from home was the oldest family members and form of social organization is the nuclear family unit, there is also a group. However, a couple or nuclear family, family is the organizational unit of the family the most basic in society substantially all, organizational form of other family members, such as the composite family and extended family is the basis of the nuclear family or, I include a unit similar to the structure of them.

(Usually, most) his spouse, family complex is composed of tatami, children and sometimes central figure. This can be seen in the place where many and various parts of the world, is universal in the society of traditional African, polygamy is permitted in particular. For example, in West Africa, it is possible that some men take more than one wife, is composed of their children and their wives each, the maximum of the sub-family unit. There is an example of monogamy dub better to to most men become most women soil dozen group in southern India and universal as (family) much.

Married of course, their spouses and children and relatives, includes a children children of unmarried parents. The main feature is that rather than people of the house and to live together to share the economic responsibility to each other and property assistance. Have a family set of common in some areas of India in the form of a family structure similar, but living in households was both wife and children and brothers.

Is composed of children and one of the parents, common variant of the nuclear family is a single-parent family. Is formed by divorce or bereavement of a spouse, in the case of a woman, which is formed by the raising of a child alone without marriage in particular. In many parts of Africa, as a family unit of the foundation, the family of the flagellum is more common than the nuclear family actually.

 Development of modern family 

I is believed that in most cultures , whether it is patriarchal , the ancient family , was a male dominant . Women who were able to get a concubine and more than one wife , was in a relatively low position of chief men < Old Testament > . 

From what Homer drew from classical literature , that the family is an important unit of economic relations , of course , is a Jidon political unit control disputes with the formation of the coalition is made , in the foundation of personal prestige there . Family and the political system is developed , became the stage of power and intrigue turned to more personal .

In Europe , the spread of Christianity , is deformed in the form of a family . By the church to prohibit marriage between close relatives , authority of kinship group and extended family is broken to the dispersion of power , influence of relatives and Jokuu~ehon have been performed . Family turned into a unit of micronucleus passed to the church most of the authority in a broad units receptive self that has the authority of each member through the prohibition of marriage between close relatives . In addition, the cohesion of the family a large group is weakened , unity through marriage is important , relatives large populations in medieval Europe , was turned into the center point of the unity of the inner ring .

Development of industry in many parts of the world and the industrial revolution of the West has led to major changes in the structure of the family . Many people , such as young people resulting in a rapid change of the type of life and work , do not get married left the rural , industrialization and urbanization has become a labor of industry of the city . And , extended family was dismantled in many areas along with the phenomenon that is converted to the industrial economy of the city from the agricultural economy of rural areas .

 Childbirth and parenting 

In traditional societies , the value of the children were considered to be thing that the couple has a lot of children is good , was evaluated as labor rights and the couple has . However, in modern society , the economic contribution of children is very important for the family , birth face has changed a lot in the advancement of technology . 

The couple , now able to adjust the timing of pregnancy and the number of children by using contraception artificial . Increase the probability that can couple with the problem of birth to obtain a child , rather than a blood relationship , advances in medicine and legal procedures relating to quantum adoption , and the like parenting , reasonably family members to say to both simultaneously it was to present an alternative that can be put to.

In all societies , children are absolutely necessary to define the life of the family , society many scholars are regarded as functions of the first family of the child-rearing . Birth is a phenomenon in biological and social . Husband and wife became the parents at birth is necessary role readjustment . Figure parents to adapt to after delivery depends on the cultural practices and personal environment , but in all societies , if you want to take care of children of past and present , parents have an important role .

One of the most important features of the modern family , society Some scholars have cited the primary socialization of children . As part of the child-rearing , primary socialization , which means teaching children to perform an early age , has been carried out in the family , it contains a teaching language , appropriate action , such as the use of the toilet , the basics are out . Children of other , secretly prompted to accept the values ​​of the parent society and their own lives .

Child grows , when it comes to independence gradually , the role of the parent is free much responsibility to nurture a child is changed. On the other hand , Old age care is the welfare of aged parents is a child role changes to some extent .


  1. If children grow, parents grow old in reverse. That the role of child and parent that change is important. I think it's reason of life
