Wednesday, June 25, 2014

(extra) Hikikomori

It is a term that started out in Japan since the 1970s, has emerged with solitary hermits appears as a social problem the mid-1990's. Hikikomori is the noun form of the Japanese "Hikikomoru" meaning "hidden". It refers to people who can not adapt to social life, live only in the house.
Symptoms are similar to "Bangkok jog"(people who live cooped up in a room) that began to appear in Korea in the late 1990s. These have in common that life remains cut off with the outside by creating a fence of their own against society. Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan are classified into Hikikomori that people seen these symptoms for more than 6 months from 2001.
There is an example to spend while being trapped in a room for more than 3-4 years or even 10 years by terrible people. Typical symptoms are these. avoid talking with people. immerse watching TV or in the Internet at night and sleeping while the daytime. show depressive symptoms and sense of loss and self-loathing. behave like a spoilt child to parent or even use violence.
Researchers point out several factors as the cause that rapid growth of society, psychological burden by unemployment, an introspective nature, discontinuation with neighborhood and relatives and so on.

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